At its 491st meeting held on Sept. 26, 2002, the Senate of York University:
approved, as recommended by the Executive Committee, the 2002 Senate Handbook.
acclaimed individuals to vacancies on the following senate committees: Academic Policy & Planning, and Admissions, Recruitment & Student Assistance.
approved, as recommended by the Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards:
- the granting of degrees, certificates and diplomas at the Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 Convocations;
- the renaming of the Graduate Program in Law degree from Doctor of Jurisprudence (D.Jur.) to Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law;
- the closure of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts (specialized honours) Conservation and Environmental Studies degree programs, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies.
heard from Dr. Marsden on:
- full average funding from the provincial government for new enrolments;
- changes in the Ontario University System.
heard from Vice-President Neuman on the increase in numbers of both undergraduate and graduate enrolments.
received a report from the Senate Executive Committee:
- changing the dates and times of the December, January and June senate meetings to the following: Dec. 12, 2002 at 2pm, Jan. 30, 2003 at 4pm and June 19, 2003 at 2pm.
received a report from the Senate Academic Policy & Planning Committee including:
- an annual presentation on the Principles Guiding Research from Vice-President Shapson.
received a report from the Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards on:
- Undergraduate Program Reviews for: the Natural Science Programs of the Faculty of Pure & Applied Science, Atkinson School of Liberal & Professional Studies and Glendon College; and for the Theatre Program, Faculty of Fine Arts;
- 18-month Undergraduate Program Reviews for the following programs: English Departments of the Faculty of Arts, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies and Glendon College; History Departments of the Faculty of Arts, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies and Glendon College; Department of Dance, Faculty of Fine Arts; and Fine Arts Cultural Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts.
- establishment of the course rubric FND for Fundamentals of Learning, to be offered as part of a pilot project within the Faculty of Arts.
noted a report for information from the Senate Appeals Committee on:
- a revision to the Osgoode Hall Law School Grade Appeal Procedures.
The complete text of the minutes is posted on the University Secretariat Web site at . For further information on any of these items please contact the University Secretariat.
Next Senate Meeting:
4pm, Thursday, Oct. 24, Senate Chamber