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York University to grant master’s degrees to first cohort of refugees in Kenya

Five students at the Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya are waiting for the COVID-19 pandemic to wind down before celebrating their new master’s degrees. The master’s degree in education is part of a continuum of post-secondary programs offered at Dadaab as part of the Borderless Higher Education for Refugees Project.

York Professor Nergis Canefe’s art on display at McLaughlin College

Refugee Rights Day was marked at York University on April 4. As part of the event, an exhibition of artwork by York political science Professor Negris Canefe opened in McLaughlin College. The exhibition will stay in place in the gallery throughout the month of April. Admission is free.

York hosts symposium on Famine Irish refugees in Canada

A two-day symposium held at York University examined the Irish famine period (1845 to 1851), when a million or more Irish died and another million emigrated during the worst demographic catastrophe in 19th-century Europe.

York marks Refugee Rights Day with events in April

York University’s Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) presents a month of events co-organized by Syria Response Refugee Initiative lead John Carlaw of CRS, and includes highlighting the opening of the new exhibit “Refuge Canada” at Pier 21 in Halifax, N.S.