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Co-op Work Term Course

The Co-op Work Term Course is a course used to recognize a student’s participation in a co-op position affiliated with the York University Co-op Program. This course does not have a degree credit value. Registration in the Co-op Work Term Course provides a record on the transcript for the student’s participation in each work term. Students who have not yet found a co-op position cannot register in this course.

A non-refundable Co-op Work Term Fee of $475 is paid once you secure a co-op position and enroll in the required co-op work term course. Students pay this non-refundable fee for each co-op work term they undertake (e.g. 3 work terms = $1,425.00).

Enrollment permission is required in order to enroll in the co-op work term course. The permission and enrollment deadlines are established and communicated to all co-op students via email by the Co-op Program. Students who are beginning a co-op position or continuing in a co-op position are required to enroll in the Co-op Work Term course.

Please Note: Students who miss the enrollment deadline will need to complete the “Request to Enroll Late” process. For more information, please review the Undergraduate Academic Petitions page of the Registrar’s Office website. We strongly encourage you to ensure you register on time once the enrollment window has been opened.