When to complete this step: At the end of each work term.
At the end of each work term interns must submit an evaluation completed by their direct supervisor. There are two methods for supervisors to complete the Supervisor Evaluation.
Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that his/her supervisor completes the evaluation by the deadline.
METHOD 1: Online Form (preferred)
Supervisors are encouraged to complete the York Internship Program Supervisor Evaluation Form. Benefits for supervisors:
- it’s easy to use and can be completed within minutes
- supervisors can print the form and discuss it with the student prior to submitting it online
- after the form has been submitted, the student can request to view it immediately on the Experience York portal.
Instructions for Supervisors completing the York Internship Program Supervisor Evaluation Form:
- Supervisor will receive an email with the link to the online evaluation form during the last month of each work term.
- Click the link in the email.
- Fill in the evaluation form.
- Click the “Print Evaluation Form” button to save a version for your own records.
- Click “Submit” at the bottom of the form or “Save Draft” if you wish to continue at a later time.
If you have any questions about the evaluation form, please contact yueehub@yorku.ca.
METHOD 2: Organization’s Own Evaluation Form
Supervisors may prefer to complete and submit their own organization’s evaluation form.
- The student should request a completed and signed evaluation from their direct supervisor
- The student must scan the completed evaluation, convert it into a pdf document and upload it onto the Experience York Portal by the deadline.
Instructions for Students to upload their supervisor’s own evaluation form:
- Go to Experience York portal (opens in a new window) and log-in with Passport York username and password.
- Click on “Co-op & Internships” in the left navigation bar under “YU Experience Hub”.
- This will direct you to the “Co-op & Internship Record” page.
- Locate the work term under the section “Co-op & Internship SEQUENCE”.
- Click on the co-op employer’s name, this will direct you to the corresponding work term record page.
- Click on “Final Supervisor Evaluation – No Record” under the “Work Term Details” tab, and click “Create Record”.
- This will direct you to the supervisor evaluation page.
- Click on the “Upload New File” button under the “EMPLOYER’S INTERNAL EVALUATION FORM” section to create a new file upload field.
- Click “Choose File” and locate the file you wish to upload, and then click “Open”. If possible, please try to keep your upload to 1 document. Please do not submit individual pages as separate documents. The name of your document should be: ‘Current Term_Eval_Your Last and First Name’ (e.g. S18_Eval_Smith John).
- Click “Submit”.
METHOD 3: York’s Word Version of Evaluation Form
Supervisor has the option to use the word version of York Co-op Program Supervisor Evaluation Form to complete their evaluation, which student will upload the completed evaluation form onto the Experience York portal by the deadline.