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How to Find Your Data

By default, the York University account will show all the data collected by the entire account. This includes information from everyone using the York Template, and any website on the domain with publicly accessible urls that have the GA code for this account included in their header.

Big sites, little sites, they're all there in one account. This enables us (you!) to see how visitors are flowing through the entire site -- including which sections they visit before and after they see your content.

Sometimes, though, you just need to see data about your own content. There are a few ways of accomplishing this:

  • Segments: good for viewing your content along with the other content visitors who visited your site viewed. It will exclude any content not viewed during a session that is included in your Segment's parameters.
  • Search: when you are viewing a specific report with a list of urls, you can use the search function to only show specific urls. This is best for single report situations as the search will not carry through once you leave that report.
  • Content Drilldown: similar to search, the Content Drilldown report groups data based on page's subdomains and / or subdirectories.
When there is specific ways of finding your data within a report, we have included that information on the Report's page on this site.

Each option is best for different situations; no one solution will fit all.