The need for multilingual communicators keeps growing — in government, business, the arts and international bodies such as the United Nations. Our friendly, multilingual and multicultural campus is an ideal setting for studying translation. Everyone studies in at least two languages, and all faculty and staff are bilingual. Translation classes are small and lively, so you’ll enjoy one-on-one attention from your professors.
You’ll also find opportunities to put your study into practice. The program offers credited internships in both the private and public sectors, so you’ll get to “try out” a translation career while gaining relevant experience and professional connections.
Glendon is the place to study bilingually in southern Ontario: The school was established as the Centre of Excellence for French-language and bilingual postsecondary education in southern Ontario by the provincial government. About 15% of our students add Spanish to their tool belt with courses or through our Certificate of trilingual excellence, and you’ll find more than 20 other languages you can learn at York’s Keele campus too.
With our small class sizes and close-knit community, you’ll have more opportunities to stand out, get to know your peers and — if graduate school is in your future — get a more personalized reference letter from your professors.
Explore what each year of your degree could look like, as well as how you can boost your major and career options.
Wondering what each year of your degree will look like? Check it out here.
Throughout your degree, you’ll find a curriculum that offers an in-depth and balanced approach to Translation. Introductory survey courses focus on perfecting your writing skills in your dominant language and improving your competence in your second language, while upper-year courses focus on developing research techniques, engaging with translation theory, and practising translation. You’ll be able to choose from a number of optional specialized courses such as Audiovisual Translation, Machine Translation, and History, Societies & Translation.
View course timetables on York University's site
View course timetable - Glendon Campus - Translation 2024-2025
Course Catalogue
GL/TRAN 1410 3.00: Grammaire du français écrit et analyse de textes informatifs – (Grammaire du français écrit 1)
Mandatory Course (FR to EN, 4-year program)
Cours obligatoire (FR vers ANG, programme de 4 ans)
Ce cours vise l'apprentissage et le renforcement de la grammaire de la phrase pour l'amélioration de la compréhension de textes. Des activités d'analyse de textes informatifs soutiennent la réflexion métalinguistique et favorisent l'acquisition de stratégies de communication visant à informer.
GL/TRAN 1411 3.00: Grammaire du français écrit et analyse de textes littéraires – (Grammaire du français écrit 2)
Mandatory Course (FR to EN, 4-year program)
Cours obligatoire (FR vers ANG, programme de 4 ans)
Ce cours vise l'approfondissement de la grammaire de la phrase pour la consolidation de la compréhension de textes littéraires. Des activités d'analyse de textes littéraires (fiction et non-fiction) soutiennent la réflexion métalinguistique et favorise l'acquisition de stratégies de communication de la narration.
Condition préalable : GL/TRAN 1410 3.00.
GL/TRAN 1604 3.00 (Bilingual): Écriture, réécriture, traduction, communication/Writing, Rewriting, Translation, Communication
Mandatory Course (FR to EN, 4-year program)
Cours obligatoire (FR vers ANG, programme de 4 ans)
Cross-list: HUMA
This course introduces writing and rewriting across languages and cultures, and links these practices with translation and other types of cross-cultural communication. Students analyze English and French texts of various types and learn to rewrite them for specific audiences/purposes.Ce cours porte sur l'écriture et la réécriture de textes entre langues et cultures et met ces pratiques en rapport avec la traduction et d'autres types de communication transculturelle. Les étudiants analysent des textes (français et anglais) et apprennent à les réécrire à l'intention de publics divers.
GL/TRAN 1640 3.00: Ideas Through Time and Space: Knowledge Transfer Across Languages and Cultures
Mandatory Course (FR to EN, 4-year program)
Cours obligatoire (FR vers ANG, programme de 4 ans)
Cross-list: HUMA
This course investigates the movement of ideas and knowledge across time, cultures, and languages through translated texts. Canonic texts are examined with a focus on identifying linguistic, religious, political and social factors involved when ideas cross language barriers and cultural boundaries.
GL/TRAN 2101 3.00: Pastiches et exercices de style
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Ce cours vise l'approfondissement des techniques d'écriture de textes variés. La production de pastiches textuels y constitue une activité fondamentale soutenant l'acquisition de procédés linguistiques et stylistiques en analyse de textes ainsi que leur transfert en production écrite.
Condition préalable : GL/TRAN 1411 3.00
GL/TRAN 2105 3.00: Écrire des textes en tout genre
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Ce cours vise le développement et le perfectionnement de la compétence scripturale en français. La production de textes de types et de genres variés soutient l'acquisition d'une grammaire du texte et des procédés linguistiques assurant la cohésion et la cohérence.
Condition préalable : GL/TRAN 1411 3.00
GL/TRAN 2210 3.00: Introduction to Translation into English I
Mandatory Course (FR to EN), Optional Course (EN to FR)
Cours obligatoire (FR vers ANG), Cours au choix (ANG vers FR)
Group 1: Language Transfer
This course introduces students to the tools, principles, and methods used in translation, from both a practical and theoretical perspective. Individual and group exercises and assignments help students acquire both basic skills and an understanding of the translation process.
GL/TRAN 2211 3.00: Traduction générale vers le français I
Mandatory Course (EN to FR), Optional Course (FR to EN)
Cours obligatoire (ANG vers FR), Cours au choix (FR vers ANG)
Groupe 1 : Transfert linguistique
Initiation aux outils, aux principes et aux méthodes de la traduction. Introduction aux enjeux théoriques et pratiques. Les exercices et les travaux (de groupe et individuels) visent l'acquisition des compétences de base et de l'aptitude à analyser les démarches.
Cours incompatible : GL/TRAN 2210 3.00 FR (section française) avant l'automne 2023.
GL/TRAN 2220 3.00: Introduction to Translation into English II
Mandatory Course (FR to EN), Optional Course (EN to FR)
Cours obligatoire (FR vers ANG), Cours au choix (ANG vers FR)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Students build on their understanding of translation in specialized fields. They continue to acquire specialized translation strategies. They increase and apply their knowledge of research tools and resources, learn techniques for resolving translation problems, and practice appropriate English usage. Prerequisite: GL/TRAN 2210 3.00.
GL/TRAN 2221 3.00: Traduction générale vers le français II
Mandatory Course (EN to FR), Optional Course (FR to EN)
Cours obligatoire (ANG vers FR), Cours au choix (FR vers ANG)
Groupe 1 : Transfert linguistique
Approfondissement des principes et des méthodes de la traduction par le biais de textes de difficulté croissante. Les travaux et les exercices visent le perfectionnement de compétences de base et de l'aptitude à évaluer les démarches et les produits.
Condition préalable : GL/TRAN 2211 3.00.
Cours incompatible : GL/TRAN 2220 3.00 FR (section française) avant l'automne 2023.
GL/TRAN 2250 3.00 (Bilingual): Stylistique comparée / Comparative Stylistics
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
Étude des problèmes de traduction découlant des différences et similarités lexicales, syntaxiques et stylistiques entre l’anglais et le français. Students learn to solve translation problems, access appropriate references, and explain their choices using the terminology of the field.
GL/TRAN 2280 3.00: Documentation and Terminology
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
This course introduces future translators to research methods in documentation and terminology. Assignments focus on the development of critical and analytical thinking and on the practical application of these methods to translation projects.
Course credit exclusions: GL/TRAN 3260 3.00, GL/TRAN 4370 3.00.
*GL/TRAN 3210 3.00: Specialized Translation: Medical and Pharmaceutical
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Students acquire strategies for handling specialized translations from French to English in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals. They increase and apply their knowledge of research tools and resources, learn techniques for resolving translation problems, and practice appropriate English usage.
Prerequisite: GL/TRAN 2280 3.00 and any 2000-level Group 1: Language Transfer course.
*GL/TRAN 3211 3.00: Traduction spécialisée: Médecine et sciences de la santé
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Groupe 1 : Transfert linguistique
Introduction à la traduction de textes spécialisés en médecine et en sciences de santé. Les étudiants développent leurs aptitudes à la recherche documentaire et terminologique. Ils acquièrent de nouvelles stratégies de traduction et perfectionnent leurs compétences.
Condition préalable : GL/TRAN 2280 3.00 et un cours de niveau 2000 du groupe 1 : transfert linguistique.
Cours incompatible : GL/TRAN 3210 3.00 FR (section française) avant l'automne 2023.
GL/TRAN 3214 3.00: Rédaction professionnelle et technologie du texte
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Ce cours vise à former les étudiants à la rédaction et à la mise en page de différents genres de textes professionnels en exploitant pleinement les outils informatiques servant à la production de documents, le tout dans l'optique d'une efficacité communicationnelle accrue. Condition préalable : GL/TRAN 2105 3.00, ou permission de l'École. Cours incompatible : GL/FRAN 3214 3.00.
*GL/TRAN 3215 3.00: Translation Project Management
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
This course presents the different steps and tools necessary to manage translation and localization projects in the multilingual communication industry, both within translation and localization companies and as a freelance translator.
*GL/TRAN 3220 3.00: Specialized Translation: Business and Marketing
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Students acquire strategies for handling specialized translations from French to English in the field of business and marketing. They increase and apply their knowledge of research tools and resources, learn techniques for resolving translation problems, and practice appropriate English usage.
Prerequisite: GL/TRAN 2280 3.00 and any 2000-level course from Group 1: Language Transfer.
*GL/TRAN 3221 3.00: Traduction spécialisée - juridique, administrative, financière
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Groupe 1 : Transfert linguistique
Introduction à la traduction de textes techniques et spécialités dans les domaines juridiques, administratifs et financiers. Les étudiants poursuivent le perfectionnement de leurs compétences traductives et de leurs aptitudes à la recherche documentaire et terminologique.
Condition préalable : GL/TRAN 2280 3.00 et un cours de niveau 2000 du Groupe 1 : Transfert linguistique.
Cours incompatible : GL/TRAN 3220 3.00 FR (section française) avant l'automne 2023.
*GL/TRAN 3222 3.00: Specialized Translation: Natural Sciences
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Students acquire strategies for handling specialized translations from French to English in the field of environmental science, forest sciences and/or natural sciences. They increase and apply their knowledge of research tools and resources, learn techniques for resolving translation problems, and practice appropriate English usage.
Prerequisites: GL/ TRAN 2280 3.00 and any 2000-level Group 1: Language Transfer course.
GL/TRAN 3270 3.00 : Theory of Translation
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
This course asks students to reflect critically on translation and its key concepts, and to begin to engage in research. They are introduced to the various schools of thought that have shaped Translation Studies since the second half of the 20th century.
GL/TRAN 3270 3.00 (Bilingual): Théorie de la traduction / Theory of Translation
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
Initiation à la réflexion critique sur la traduction, aux concepts clés en traductologie et à la recherche. Students are introduced to the schools of thought that have shaped Translation Studies since the second half of the 20th century.
*GL/TRAN 3275 3.00: Social, Cultural, Political Aspects of Machine Translation
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
This course provides a basic introduction to machine translation. Students will learn about the history of machine translation, compare different types of machine translation systems, apply various machine translation evaluation methods, and assess the contexts in which machine translation can be effectively used. Students will also explore ethical issues associated with machine translation, such as its effects on languages and the translation profession. Knowledge of a second language is required.
GL/TRAN 3310 3.00: Problems in Professional Writing
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Cross-list: COMS
Students learn to problem-solve through writing, the essence of good professional communication. They learn to select information for a given audience and choose effective language for the needs of government, business, and industry.
*GL/TRAN 3405 3.00 (Bilingual): Communication multilingue : les enjeux de l'interprétation (approche par la pratique) / Multilingual communication: Issues in Interpreting (a practical approach)
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
Ce cours familiarise les étudiants avec les différents champs de l'interprétation (communautaire, médicale, judiciaire et de conférence) ainsi qu'avec les modalités de l'interprétation (principalement liaison, simultanée, consécutive, chuchotée). Chaque champ/modalité sera abordé à travers des exercices pratiques et des jeux de rôles. La participation de professionnels invités et les séances d'observation permettront aux étudiants d'avoir une compréhension globale de la profession. NB : pour s'inscrire à ce cours, il faut pouvoir parler couramment au moins deux des langues suivantes : anglais, français, espagnol. Pour toute autre combinaison de langues, veuillez communiquer avec le département. / This course familiarizes students with the different fields of interpreting (community, medical, legal and conference) and the different modes of interpreting (liaison, simultaneous, consecutive and chuchotage). Each field/mode will be introduced through practical exercises and roleplay. Through observation sessions and the participation of invited professionals, students to develop a general understanding of the profession. Note: Students should be fluent in at least two of the following languages: English, French and Spanish. Other language combinations may be possible but require departmental approval.
*GL/TRAN 3605 3.00: Video Game Localization
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
This course examines the localization of video games, introducing students to the localization industry, multimedia platforms and entertainment software. It investigates the localization and cultural adaptation of video games and related materials, including manuals, advertisements, and product packaging.
Note: students should have the ability to read and understand texts written in English and at least one other language.
*GL/TRAN 4210 3.00 (Bilingual): Traduction spécialisée - Textes littéraires / Specialized Translation - Literary Texts
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Présentation de méthodes et stratégies pour l’analyse et la traduction de textes littéraires vers le français et vers l’anglais. Les étudiants traduisent des textes de genres divers issus de différents contextes culturels et historiques et s’exercent à la critique de traductions littéraires.
Prerequisite : GL/TRAN 3210 3.00. Corequisite: GL/TRAN 3220 3.00.
GL/TRAN 4212 3.00: Conception et publication de documents
Mandatory Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Le cours couvre deux grandes composantes de la production de documents : la conception du matériel textuel et iconographique à partir de sources primaires et leur agencement dans des produits de communication.
Condition préalable: GL/TRAN 3214 3.00, ou permission de l'École. Cours incompatible : GL/FRAN 4212 3.00.
*GL/TRAN 4235 3.00 (Bilingual): Introduction à la traduction audiovisuelle : Introduction to audiovisual translation
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Ce cours initie les étudiants et les étudiantes aux enjeux théoriques et pratiques de la traduction audiovisuelle. Les exercices d'analyse, de transcription, de traduction, de scénarisation et de sous-titrage les préparent à gérer différentes phases de la communication multimodale./This course provides a theoretical and practical introduction to audiovisual translation. Exercises such as analysis, transcription, translation, screenwriting and subtitling prepare students to deal with different stages of multimodal communication. Prerequisite: GL/TRAN 3220 3.00. Corequisite: GL/TRAN 3220 3.00.
GL/TRAN 4250 3.00: Techniques of Revision in Translation
Mandatory Course (FR to EN), Optional Course (EN to FR)
Cours obligatoire (FRAN vers ANG), Cours au choix (ANG vers FRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Through this course students learn to analyse texts from the perspectives of communication theory, discourse and revision practice. The course also helps students hone their advanced communication and revision skills.
GL/TRAN 4251 3.00: Technique de la révision en traduction
Mandatory Course (EN to FR), Optional Course (FR to EN)
Cours obligatoire (ANG vers FRAN), Cours au choix (FRAN vers ANG)
Groupe 1 : Transfert linguistique
Initiation au travail de post-traduction. Les étudiants pratiquent la révision unilingue pour améliorer le texte traduit en fonction des normes linguistiques rédactionnelles, ainsi que la révision bilingue pour vérifier le degré d'équivalence entre l'original et la traduction.
Cours incompatible : GL/TRAN 4250 3.00 FR (section française) avant l'automne 2023.
*GL/TRAN 4255 & GS/TRAN 5165 3.00: Communication, Translation and Ethics
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
This course discusses intercultural issues in contexts of asymmetrical and conflictual exchanges. Students will develop ethical reasoning skills based on critical analysis, inclusion, cooperation, informed decision-making and anticipation of results.
GL/TRAN 4310 3.00: Techniques in Business and Technical Writing I
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Cross-list: COMS
Builds on the skills learned in GL/TRAN 3310 3.00. Students learn to direct their writing to a given audience, to begin to work with layout and design of documents, and develop the skills required by team and project writing. Prerequisite: GL/TRAN/COMS 3310 3.00.
GL/TRAN 4320 3.00: Techniques in Business and Technical Writing II
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Students develop the analytic, writing, and documentation skills needed to produce software user manuals, reference guides, tutorials, online and hypertext information. They learn to work in a team-based production environment on real software documentation problem. Prerequisite: GL/TRAN 4310 3.00.
GL/TRAN 4330 3.00: Documentation in Business and Industry
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Students learn the requirements for online documentation from a theoretical and research perspective and develop project management skills. Prerequisite: GL/TRAN 4320 3.00.
Note: Course open to students majoring in Translation and to students registered in the Certificate of Technical & Professional Writing.
*GL/TRAN 4415 3.00: Translation and the Graphic Novel
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2 : Translation Theory & Practice
This course studies comics and graphic novels from a translation studies perspective, focusing on cross-cultural differences relevant to comics and graphic novels in diverse languages and cultural contexts. Practical challenges related to translating comics and graphic novels, such as oral language, culture-specific elements, and visual humour are explored. Approaches for researching graphic novels from product-, process-, context-, and participant-oriented perspectives are examined. Knowledge of a second language is helpful but not mandatory.
GL/TRAN 4510 3.00 (Bilingual): Advanced Translation Practicum / Travaux pratiques avancés en traduction
Mandatory course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Under the supervision of an Instructor, students undertake small- and large-scale translation projects proposed by internal (York) or external clients, applying advanced documentation, translation, self-revision, revision and quality control techniques to real-life projects./Sous la direction d'un professeur, les étudiants entreprennent des projets de traduction (de petite et grande envergure) pour des clients internes (York) et externes. Ils appliquent leurs compétences poussées en documentation, traduction, auto-révision, révision et contrôle de la qualité.
Prerequisites/Conditions préalables : GL/TRAN 2280 3.00, any 3000-level course from Group 1: Language Transfer and either GL/TRAN 4250 3.00 or GL/TRAN 4251 3.00.
GL/TRAN 4525 3.00: Translation and Localization Tools
Mandatory course (all TRAN programs)
Cours obligatoire (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
In this course students are acquainted with the main tools used to facilitate translation and localization. We assess their usefulness as well as methods of integrating local cultures through localizing software and multimedia products. Prerequisite : GL/TRAN 2280 3.00.
*GL/TRAN 4605 3.00: Texts and beyond: Adapting books, ads, films, and video games
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
Cross-list: COMS
This course offers a wide perspective on adaptation, focusing not just on how it pertains to translation, but also on how content is rewritten for different cultural and generational audiences and for different media: video games, film, songs, social media, etc.
Note: students should have the ability to read and understand texts written in English and at least one other language.
*GL/TRAN 4636 3.00: History, Translation and Ancient Civilizations
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
The historical evolution of Western civilization is explored from the dawn of writing to the Roman Empire from a cross-cultural perspective, with special emphasis on ancient civilizations and languages in contact, and the dissemination of knowledge and cultural exchange through translation.
*GL/TRAN 4638 3.00: History, Translation, and European Societies
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
The evolution of Western civilization is explored from early Christianity to the electronic age from a cross-cultural perspective, with special emphasis on European societies and languages in contact, and the dissemination of knowledge and cultural exchange through translation.
*This course may not be offered every year.
GL/TRAN 3900 3.00 (Bilingual): Onsite Professional Internship/Stage professionnel en entreprise
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Au cours d’un trimestre, les stagiaires effectuent l'équivalent de quatre semaines de travail à temps plein dans un cabinet ou service de traduction, une entreprise ou un organisme. Les stagiaires sont encadrés par un traducteur chevronné, un agent de communication, un webmestre ou autre professionnel expérimenté. Leur travail est noté par un membre du corps professoral.
Over the course of one semester, interns perform the equivalent of four weeks of fulltime work in a translation firm or unit, a business or an organization. They are supervised by a senior translator, a communications officer, webmaster or other experienced professional. Their work is graded by a faculty member.
Condition préalable : Permission de l'École de traduction / Prerequisite: Permission from the School of Translation
GL/TRAN 4900 3.00 (Bilingual): Online Professional Internship/Stage professionnel à distance
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 1: Language Transfer
Au cours d'un trimestre, les stagiaires effectuent, à distance, l'équivalent de quatre semaines de travail à temps plein pour un cabinet ou service de traduction, une entreprise ou un organisme. Les stagiaires sont encadrés par un traducteur chevronné, un agent de communication, un webmestre ou autre professionnel expérimenté. Leur travail est noté par un membre du corps professoral.
Over the course of one semester, interns perform the equivalent of four weeks of fulltime work for a translation firm or unit, a business or an organization. Their distancelearning internship is supervised by a senior translator, a communications officer, webmaster or other experienced professional. Their work is graded by a faculty member.
Condition préalable : Permission de l'École de traduction / Prerequisite: Permission from the School of Translation
*GL/TRAN 4636 3.00: History, Translation and Ancient Civilizations
Optional Course (all TRAN programs)
Cours au choix (tous les programmes de TRAN)
Group 2: Translation Theory & Practice
The historical evolution of Western civilization is explored from the dawn of writing to the Roman Empire from a cross-cultural perspective, with special emphasis on ancient civilizations and languages in contact, and the dissemination of knowledge and cultural exchange through translation.
Degree Types & Program Requirements
The School of Translation offers the following degree types and certificates:
- Specialized Honours BAs and iBAs in Translation (French to English or English to French)
- Accelerated Honours BAs (for holders of a previous degree) in Translation (French to English or English to French)
Translation is also available as a bilingual or trilingual international Bachelor of Arts.
Other Programs
- Certificate in Professional and Technical Communication
- Master in Translation Studies
- Master in Conference Interpreting
Book an Appointment with an Academic Advisor
Certificate in Professional & Technical Communication
Certificate in English-Spanish/Spanish-English Translation
Master in Translation Studies
Master in Conference Interpreting
Other Program Details
Awards & Scholarships
We want to recognize your academic success and commitment to excellence in the Translation program. Not just a financial boost, awards and scholarships are a great way to show your hard work on your résumé and university transcript. Check out the available awards, which include the Translation Departmental Prize.