Our program combines theoretical-academic learning with practical research proficiencies and place-based knowledge about the Global South. While focusing on the key conceptual, analytical and practical agendas in contemporary development research, the program provides exciting vistas for praxis by giving students the opportunity to learn about the nexus between theory and practice through hands-on fieldwork and research experience in the Global South.
Master of Arts (MA)
As a coherently structured step-by-step interdisciplinary program, with specifically devised course menus designed for a dedicated cohort of students, DVST is a uniquely focused, but flexible graduate program.
The program is structured as a five-term program combining coursework, research and fieldwork.
Graduate Diplomas
Several Research Centres at York offer exciting Graduate Diploma programs that students can take concurrently with DVST. These Diploma programs give students opportunities to expand their knowledge of a particular area and/or to receive additional certification of the knowledge developed through their graduate program of study.
Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies
The Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies (GDAS) is a one-of-a-kind diploma tailored specifically for students conducting their graduate research in Asia and Asian Diasporas.
Graduate Diploma in Latin American & Caribbean Studies
York University offers formal accreditation at the graduate level of specialized knowledge about Latin America and the Caribbean.
Graduate Diploma in Refugee & Migration Studies
The Graduate Diploma in Refugee and Migration Studies is a unique opportunity for students to complement their regular graduate degrees, with a specialization in the growing field of forced migration studies.

Learn More
The Graduate Program in Development Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.