The combined Juris Doctor/Master of Arts in Philosophy (JD/MA) program, offered by Osgoode Hall Law School and the Department of Philosophy at York University, provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and acquire knowledge at the intersection of the naturally related disciplines of law and philosophy. The program is ideal for students who wish to pursue either further post-graduate study and ultimately an academic career, or opportunities in a variety of careers in legal practice.
Admission Requirements
Students must apply and be admitted separately to each of the JD and MA (Philosophy) programs, normally in the same year, before starting either program. Upon admission to the combined program, students will meet with the co-directors (Professors Michael Giudice in Philosophy and Francois Tanguay-Renaud in Law) to develop a plan of study that maximizes the synthesis of the two disciplines through appropriate selection of courses and research topics.
Program Structure and Requirements
Students admitted to the combined program will be expected to complete all requirements within four years of full-time study. All students in the combined program will follow a common path
In Year 1, students will be registered in the JD program and complete the regular first year of JD studies.
In Year 2, students will be registered for three terms of full-time study in the MA in Philosophy and will receive MA funding. Students will follow the requirements of the Master’s by Major Research Paper (MRP option). This option requires students to complete 18 credits in coursework in philosophy at the graduate level (including PHIL 5800 3.0, Core Theoretical Philosophy 1 and PHIL 5802 3.0, core Practical Philosophy 1) and a supervised MRP. All coursework for the MA must be completed during Year 2. Before the end of Year 2 students will meet again with the program co-directors to identify an MRP topic. The co-directors will also identify a committee of two professors, one from Philosophy and one from Law, to supervise the MRP. The expectation is that students will begin working on the MRP during the third term of Year 2, and continue working on it throughout Years 3 and 4. The topic of the Major Research Paper, to be approved by the co-directors, will be situated appropriately at the intersection of law and philosophy and will consist of an original piece of scholarly writing of approximately 60–70 pages.
In Years 3 and 4, students will return to Osgoode to complete the final two years of the JD. In addition to completing the MRP, students will be required during the final two years of the JD program to take one additional half course (3 credits) in philosophy at the graduate level. The MRP will count for 6 credits towards the JD and the additional philosophy course will count for 3 credits toward the JD.
Successful completion of the combined program will be validated by the issuance of two parchments, one for the JD and one for the MA, and transcripts issued in relation to the two programs will include a clear statement of the nature of the combined program.

Learn More
The Graduate Program in Philosophy at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.