For more information on our course offerings, please go to York Course Website.
Calendar Year
Course #
Course Title
gs/sts 5000A
Directed Readings for M.A. Students
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/sts 5000M
Directed Readings for M.A. Students
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/sts 5000M
Directed Readings for M.A. Students
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/sts 5001A
Introduction to Science and Technology Studies
Introduces students to major texts and theoretical strands of science and technology studies through a combination of empirical case studies and theoretical reflections on themes central to science and technology studies scholarship, such as epistemology, objectivity, expertise and materiality.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 5010M
Thesis Research and Writing Lab
This course is designed to help guide participants through the MRP research and writing process. This course addresses issues of both research and writing. Throughout the course we will read and discuss core elements of research design, methodology and analysis. Part of our meeting will be dedicated to introducing an element of research design, methodology, or analysis, and the other part will be a discussion of an assignment related to research design, methodology and analysis.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): K. Bergstrom
gs/sts 5010M
Thesis Research and Writing Lab
This course is designed to help guide participants through the MRP research and writing process. This course addresses issues of both research and writing. Throughout the course we will read and discuss core elements of research design, methodology and analysis. Part of our meeting will be dedicated to introducing an element of research design, methodology, or analysis, and the other part will be a discussion of an assignment related to research design, methodology and analysis.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6000A
Directed Readings for Ph.D. Students
Permission of Program Director required
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/sts 6000M
Directed Readings for Ph.D. Students
Permission of Program Director required
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/sts 6000M
Directed Readings for Ph.D. Students
Permission of Program Director required
Instructional Format: DIRD
gs/sts 6001A
Introduction to Science and Technology Studies
Introduces students to major texts and theoretical strands of science and technology studies through a combination of empirical case studies and theoretical reflections on themes central to science and technology studies scholarship, such as epistemology, objectivity, expertise and materiality.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6001M
Introduction to Science and Technology Studies
Introduces students to major texts and theoretical strands of science and technology studies through a combination of empirical case studies and theoretical reflections on themes central to science and technology studies scholarship, such as epistemology, objectivity, expertise and materiality.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): R. Gehl
gs/sts 6002A
Science and Technology as Material Culture
Examines the diverse engagement of Science & Technology Studies with the study of material culture. Approaches to be considered include the history of scientific instruments and experimental practices, anthropology and museum studies, embodied epistemologies, and the analysis of space and architecture.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6003M
Technoscientific Cultures: Foundations in Anthropology of Science and Technology
In this course we read foundational texts in anthropology of science, exploring a range of sites, methods, and theories to equip students for ethnographic research within technoscientific cultures. Central themes include science as practice and culture; biopolitics; and technoscientific imaginaries.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6003M
Technoscientific Cultures: Foundations in Anthropology of Science and Technology
In this course we read foundational texts in anthropology of science, exploring a range of sites, methods, and theories to equip students for ethnographic research within technoscientific cultures. Central themes include science as practice and culture; biopolitics; and technoscientific imaginaries.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): A. Omer
gs/sts 6004A
STS Colloquium
The Colloquium provides students with a regular forum to engage with Program members as an intellectual community. It involves a range of activities designed to stimulate a broad disciplinary engagement with science and technology studies, including research talks by invited external speakers, Program faculty and graduate students, and professional development workshops. It normally runs every two weeks over two terms.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6005A
STS Research Cluster
Research Clusters foster theoretical and methodological innovation on a specific topic in Science and Technology Studies (STS). They involve biweekly meetings of faculty and graduate students who engage in a range of activities and they embed broader program requirements in an experimental, flexible, adaptable, and interdisciplinary intellectual space.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6008M
Ethnographic Writing
In this course we explore ethnography as a creative practice, as invention, and as improvisation. This seminar is offered as a writing collective, where we read each other's writings, practice how to read attentively, and give productive feedback. In so doing, we also explore the relationship between writing, fieldwork, and fieldnotes, and consider the ethics of ethnographic writing.
Instructional Format: ONLN
gs/sts 6108M
Health and Illness
This course is designed to consider current debates about health and care within a feminist political economy framework. The focus will be Canada but a Canada located within an international context. Of course students will be invited to introduce other perspectives and other countries into the readings, discussions and their papers.
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6203M
Critical Technology Studies
This course provides students with an advanced and critical introduction to the social study of technology and technological innovation. The course explores how technologies are shaped by and come to social, cultural, political, and economic institutions, structures, and processes. The course is organized around a series of theoretical debates and empirical case studies of contemporary technological developments (e.g. Big Data, biotechnology, nanotechnology, cleantech, etc.).
Instructional Format: SEMR
gs/sts 6312M
The Political Economy of Technoscience
The course covers three key theoretical strands of Science & Technology Studies research: science, technology and innovation policy studies; the 'economic turn' in STS; and the political economy of science and technology. It draws on a number of substantive topics, including intellectual property rights; research policy; neoliberal science and climate change; biofuels and bioeconomies; and sustainability transitions.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Instructor(s): K. Birch
gs/sts 6314A
Indigenous and Postcolonial Science Studies
This graduate seminar introduces students to indigenous and postcolonial perspectives in the study of science, technology, nature and medicine. Interdisciplinary perspectives are explored as the course considers the intersections of the political, scholarly, and creative through science and technology stdies, and postcolonial/subaltern studies, examining the unique ways in which science, medicine, and technology are taken up, created, contested, and circulated in postcolonial/indigenous settings.
Instructional Format: SEMR
Learn More
The Graduate Program in Science & Technology Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.