Applications to the Graduate Program in Science & Technology Studies (STS) must be completed online and applications to the STS MA and PhD programs can be made on the Admissions website. If you have any questions about the program requirements, program restructuring, future curriculum, funding, or any other topic, then please contact the Graduate Program Director at gpdsts@yorku.ca.
All full-time MA and PhD students offered a place in the STS graduate program will receive a funding package consisting of a fellowship (MA and PhD) and teaching assistantship (PhD only). See here is more information on graduate funding packages and opportunities.
Quick Links
- Academic Important Dates
- FGS Forms
- Wellness & Counselling
- FGS Events Calendar
- Department of Humanities
- Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

Learn More
The Graduate Program in Science & Technology Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.