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Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI)

The Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (DEDI) committee of the Psychology Department at York University is dedicated to combating prejudice and inequities in all its forms, increasing representation of marginalised minorities, supporting marginalised minority members, and addressing colonial harms within the department. Our aims coincide with, but are not limited to, the DEDI strategy outlined by the university,1 faculty of health, and department of psychology. We are committed to advancing DEDI principles in regard to teaching, research, and mentoring to help to establish and maintain a robust culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion. To do so, we provide resources and other forms of support for faculty, staff, graduate students, and students who wish to improve their practices, or are encountering challenges related to DEDI. In addition, we endeavour to provide consultation and make recommendations to the other administrative committees in the department. Moreover, the committee aims to develop and implement initiatives designed to address identified DEDI needs. Membership to the committee is open to all faculty members in the department, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students are also encouraged to participate.

If you are interested in participating, or would like more detail, please email us.

1 Decolonizing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (2023-2028). York University. The President’s Advisory Council on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Division of Equity, People, and Culture).