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Sikai Zhan

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Sikai Zhan


Professional Writing

My advice to new students would be don't be afraid to talk to your professors. You will find they are very nice and helpful, and they do want you to succeed. Outside the classroom, they are nice people just like everyone else. Be sure to make friends; you will more than likely find very like-minded people in your program who will become your precious comrades as you battle through university.

Browse more Alumni profiles


Dadrien Brown

Bachelor of Arts (BA) 2014

Singer/Songwriter, bé Thirst Music


Darren Thai

Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) 2015

Investment Associate, PARK Private Wealth


Candies Kotchapaw

Social Work
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

Founder and Executive Director, DYLOTT


Steve Simpson

Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 2006

Vice-President and Associate General Counsel, Litigation, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
