Research       Teaching       Jean Monnet Chair       CV

Willem Maas Willem Maas, Jean Monnet Chair and Professor of Political Science, Public & International Affairs, and Socio-Legal Studies at York University, chairs Glendon Political Science, previously chaired Glendon Faculty Council for four years, and is also active in professional service, including currently serving on the executive of IPSA's Migration and Citizenship RC, vice-chair of ISA's ENMISA section, and remaining active in APSA's Migration and Citizenship section, which he co-founded. Professor Maas has held appointments at Yale, NYU, Radboud, Leiden, EUI, and elsewhere, heads the Canadian part of the Whole-COMM project, and also co-edits the Oxford Studies in Migration and Citizenship book series. He writes on EU and multilevel citizenship, migration, borders, free movement, and politics focusing on Europe and North America.

Money Matters in Migration

Money Matters in Migration (co-ed 2021). Eighteen chapters expose hidden and sometimes contradictory policy objectives, unwanted consequences, and inconsistent regulatory structures of migration, participation, and citizenship.

Sixty-Five Years of European Governance (co-ed 2016). Eleven articles demonstrate the creative and often fragile solutions found to address the challenges facing Europe by analyzing transformations in European governance.

Multilevel Citizenship book cover

Multilevel Citizenship (ed 2013) disputes the dominant narrative of citizenship as a homogeneous status bestowed only by nation-states; it considers overlapping jurisdictions, sub- or supranational citizenships, and shared governance.

Democratic Citizenship and the Free Movement of People book cover

Democratic Citizenship and the Free Movement of People (ed 2013) challenges the normal way of thinking about free movement by identifying barriers and disincentives to free movement, against citizenship's promise of equality.

Creating European Citizens book cover

Creating European Citizens (2007) argues that European integration involves not only economic cooperation but also a political project of transcending borders and building a European community of people.

York Hall 352, Glendon campus, York University
2275 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON  M4N 3M6  Canada
phone:(416)487-6735  fax:(416)487-6852  email:maas[at]