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For Stakeholders

Policy Briefings

Birch, K. (2023) Personal Data Governance in the Big Tech Era: What is Happening to Our Personal Data?, ITS Policy Briefing #01-2023.

Policy Reports

Birch, K. (2023) There Are No Markets Anymore: From Neoliberalism to Big Tech, in State of Power 2023 Report, Amsterdam: The Transnational Institute.

Birch, K. and Adediji, D. (2023) Rethinking Canada’s Competition Policy in the Digital Economy, ITS Policy Report #01-2023.

For Academics


Birch, K. (2023) Data Enclaves, London: Palgrave Macmillan, here.

Birch, K. and Muniesa, F. (eds) (2020) Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, open access.

Juhasz, A., Langlois, G. and Shah, N. (2021) Really Fake, Minneapolis: Meson Press, open access.

Topak, ÖE, Mekouar, M. and Cavatorta, F. (eds) (2022) New Authoritarian Practices in the Middle East and North Africa, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, here

Steigerwald, J. (2019) Experimenting at the Boundaries of Life: Organic Vitality in Germany around 1800, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, here.

Mosby, I., Rotz, S. and Fraser, E. (2020) Uncertain Harvest: The Future of Food on a Warming Planet, Regina: University of Regina Press, here.

Tilleczek, K. and Campbell, V. (eds) (2019) Youth in the Digital Age: Paradox, Promise, Predicament, Abingdon: Routledge, here.

Widmer, A. (2023). Moral Figures: Making Reproduction Public in Vanuatu, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, here.

Tienhaara, Kyla and Joanna Robinson (eds.). 2022. Routledge Handbook on the Green New Deal. New York:

Journal Articles

Andrews, K. (2022) Does the sentience framework imply all animals are sentient?, Animal Sentience 32(17), open access.

Artyushina, A. (2020) Is civic data governance the key to democratic smart cities? The role of the urban data trust in Sidewalk Toronto, Telematics and Informatics 55: 1-13. here.

Bergstrom, K. (2022). When a door becomes a window: using Glassdoor to examine game industry work cultures. Information, Communication & Society, 1-16, here.

Birch, K. (2023) Assetization as a mode of techno-economic governance: Knowledge, education, and personal data in the UN’s System of National Accounts, Economy & Society, open access.

Birch, K. (2023) Reflexive expectations in innovation financing: An analysis of venture capital as a mode of valuation, Social Studies of Science 53(1): 29-48, open access.

Birch, K. and Ward, C. (2022) Assetization and the new asset geographies, Dialogues in Human Geography, open access.

Blacker, S. (2022) Technologies of quiescence: Measuring biodiversity, ‘intactness,’ and extractive industry in Canada, Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 8(2): 1-25, open access.

Blacker, S., Kimura, A. and Kinchy, A. (2021) When Citizen Science Is Public Relations, Social Studies of Science 51(5): 780-796, open access

Douglas, C.M., Aith, F., Boon, W., de Neiva Borba, M., Doganova, L., Grunebaum, S., and Kleinhout-Vliek, T. (2022) Social pharmaceutical innovation and alternative forms of research, development and deployment for drugs for rare diseases, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 17(1): 1-13, open access.

Duncan, E., Rotz, S., Magnan, A. and Bronson, K., E. (2022) Disciplining land through data: The role of agricultural technologies in farmland assetization, Sociologia Ruralis 62(2): 231-249, here.

Fitzpatrick, S. and Andrews, K. (2022) Animal culture and animal welfare, Philosophy of Science 89(5): 1104-1113, here.

Gebresselassie, M. (2022) Wheelchair users’ perspective on transportation service hailed through Uber and Lyft apps, Transportation Research Recordopen access

Goldstein, D. and Kennedy, E.B. (2021) Mapping the ethical landscape of wildland fire management: Setting an agendum for research and deliberation on the applied ethics of wildland fire, International Journal of Wildland Fire 31(10): 911-917, open access.

Hamidi, F., Owuor, P.M., Hynie, M. and Baljko, M. (2022) "Knowledge comes through participation”: Understanding disability through the lens of DIY assistive technology in Western Kenya, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6(CSCW1): 1-25, here.

Hamm, E. (2012) Mining history: People, knowledge, power, Earth Sciences History 31: 321-326, here.

Harvey, A. (2021) Making the grade: Feminine lack, inclusion, and coping strategies in digital games higher education, New Media & Society 24(9): 1986-2002, here.

Harvey, A. (2019) Becoming gamesworkers: Diversity, higher education, and the future of the game industry, Television & New Media 20(8): 756-766, here.

Hassan, Y. (2020) The politics of sharing: Sociotechnical imaginaries of digital platforms, Information Polity 25(2): 159-176, here.

Hassan, Y. (2022) Governing algorithms from the South: a case study of AI development in Africa. AI & Society, open access.

Karpin, I. and Mykitiuk, R. (2021) Reimagining disability: the screening of donor gametes and embryos in IVF, Journal of Law and the Biosciences 8(2): lsaa067, open access.

Langlois, G. (2022) Cosmomedia: Natural dyes in Japan, Media Theory 5(2): 289-306, open access.

MacDonald, M. and Foley, E. (2022) The innovation imperative in global health: gendered futurity in the Sayana Press, Medicine, Anthropology, Theory 9(2): 1–15, open access.

Ma, K.W.F. and McKinnon, T. (2022) COVID-19 and cyber fraud: emerging threats during the pandemic, Journal of Financial Crime 29(2): 433-446. open access.

MacDonald. M (2020) Misoprostol:Tthe social life of a life-saving drug, Science, Technology & Human Values 46(2): 376-401, here.

Martin, A. and McMillan, A. (2022) Concussion killjoys: CTE, violence and the brain’s becoming, BioSocieties 17: 229–250, open access.

Mialet, H. (2020) How dogs become accurate instruments: care, attunement, and reflexivity, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7: 66, open access.

Mialet, H. (2022) The body in balance: Making sense of sensation, Body & Society 28(3): 89-113.

Nagaraj, S. et al. (2020) From clinic to computer and back again: Practical considerations when designing and implementing machine learning solutions for pediatrics, Current Treat Options in Pediatrics 6: 336-349, open access.

Reynolds, J.L., Kennedy, E.B. and Symons, J. (2022) If deliberation is the answer, what is the question? Objectives and evaluation of public participation and engagement in science and technology, Journal of Responsible Innovation, open access.

Rotz, S. et al. (2019) Automated pastures and the digital divide: How agricultural technologies are shaping labour and rural communities, Journal of Rural Studies 68: 112-122, open access.

Shaw, J.D. and Mykitiuk, R. (2022) Jurisgenerative tissues: Sociotechnical imaginaries and the legal secretions of 3D bioprinting, Law Critique, here.

Stedman, I. and Brudno, M. (2021) Trust, tort law and the integration of black box artificial intelligence into clinical care, Health Law in Canada Journal 42(2): 57-79, open access.

Tilleczek, K. (2019). Youth have a love-hate relationship with digital tech in the age of the Anthropocene, The Conversation, Summer Edition, open access.

Topak, Ö. (2019) Humanitarian and human rights surveillance: The challenge to border surveillance and invisibility?, Surveillance & Society 17(3/4): 382-404, open access.

Widmer, A. (2021). Positioning human microbiome DTC tests on the search for health, data and alternatives amid the financialisation of life, Medicine Anthropology Theory 8(2): 1-12, open access.

Nairn, Anthony. 2019. "The Evolution of Social Constructs: A Proposal for the Re-Conceptualization of Sociobiology for Understanding Interdependent Social Networks as Evolving “Organisms.” Using Norbert Elias’s, The Court Society," Journal of Big History, 2(4), 61-76, open access.

Freiman, Ori (2022). Making Sense of the Conceptual Nonsense 'Trustworthy AI'. AI and Ethics 4. open access.

Book Chapters

Artyushina, A. (2023) Can a smart city exist as commons?, in D. Frischmann, M. Madison and M. Sanfilippo (eds) Governing Smart Cities as Knowledge Commons, pp.55-80. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, here.

Bronson, K., Rotz, S. and D’Alessandro, A. (2021) The human impact of data bias and the digital agricultural revolution, in H. James Jr (ed.), The Handbook on the Human Impact of Agriculture, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, here.

Lightman, B. (2022) The ‘Greatest Living Philosopher’ and the useful biologist: How Spencer and Darwin viewed each other’s contributions to evolutionary theory, in I. Hesketh (ed.), Imagining the Darwinian Revolution, pp.37-57. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, here.

Lightman, B. (2022) The nineteenth-century origins of the problem: Naturalistic metaphysics and the dead ends of Victorian theology, in P. Harrison and P. Tyson (eds), After Science and Religion, pp.35-58. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.

Mialet, H. (2020) Becoming the other: The body in translation, in D. Gruber and L. Olman (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Science, pp.375-384. London: Routledge, here.

Mykitiuk, R. (2020) Accommodation in the academy: Working with episodic disabilities and living in between, in C. Spivakovsky, L. Steele and P. Weller (eds), The Legacies of Institutionalisation: Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Community, pp.73-86. Oxford: Hart Publishing, here.

Schaffzin, G. (2022) From efficiency to pain: A history of the visual analog scale, in R. Goyal and A. Hegele (eds), Culture and Medicine: Critical Readings in Medical Humanities, London: Bloomsbury, here.

Schaffzin, G. (2023) The face-based pain scale: A tool for whom?, in E. Guffey (ed.), After Universal Design: The Disability Design Revolution, London: Bloomsbury, here.

Williams, J.W. (2020) Recidivists, rough sleepers, and the unemployed as financial assets: Social impact bonds and the creation of new markets in social services, in K. Birch and F. Muniesa (eds), Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism, pp.297-312. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, open access.

Watts, Fraser, Anthony K Nairn, Arthur Petersen. 2022. “Science, Religion, Culture” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. 57(4), 838-848. 

Robinson, Joanna. 2020. “Building a Green Economy: Advancing Climate Justice through Labour-Environmental Alliances.” Mobilization 25(2): 245-264, here.

Allan, Kori and Joanna L. Robinson. 2022. “Working Towards a Green Job? Autoworkers, Climate Change and the Role of Collective Identity in Union Renewal” Journal of Industrial Relations 64(4): 1-23, here.