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Research Clusters

Research at the Institute for Technoscience & Society (ITS) is organized and coordinated through four thematic clusters. Each thematic cluster has a 'lead' who coordinates activities and contributes to the governance of ITS. Members of ITS are welcome to belong to as many thematic clusters as they wish. More information about each cluster can be found on their individual webpages:

  • Technoscientific Injustices: what are the implications of emerging technoscience? How do the impact different social groups? How can we create just and inclusive science and technologies?
  • Technoscientific Economies: how are science and technology entangled with our economies? What kinds of innovation should we promote? How can we support more responsible innovation?
  • Technoscientific Pasts & Futures: how is the future of science and technology bound up with our pasts? How does the past help us to develop hopeful visions of and policies for the future?
  • Technoscientific Bodies & Minds: what are the societal implications of prevailing understandings of health risks, diseases, and healthcare delivery? Do these prevailing understandings reinforce social injustices, inequities, and divisions?

Visiting Scholars

We welcome inquiries from academics (and others) who are interested in visiting ITS for short and long periods of time, from a week to a year. Current and past visitors to ITS can be found here.