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Research Ethics


(January 22, 2025) Call for Graduate Student Members to Serve on the Human Participants Review Committee (HPRC)

Position: The HPRC invites interested applicants from York University to serve as a Graduate Student Member on the HPRC. There are 2 openings to serve on the HPRC.

Background:  HPRC protects the rights, safety and welfare of human research participants. It does this by reviewing and overseeing research involving human participants to ensure that it meets the highest ethical standards and is compliant with all applicable requirements, including the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans 2022.

Role/Responsibilities: Graduate Members who serve on the HPRC are expected to:

Uphold the highest ethical standards in human research ethics

Serve a two-year term (with the option for renewal)

Conduct delegated reviews involving minimal risk research (~ 4 hours/month)

Attend REB Board Meetings as needed (~ 4 hours/year)

What you’ll get: Graduate Members who serve on HPRC will receive training and mentoring in research ethics, including a rigorous onboarding session, continuing education, and exposure to various research projects taking place in the community.


Interested candidates should:

Be a registered full time graduate student at York University

Be familiar with different research methodologies, and possess an interest in safeguarding the safety, rights and welfare of research participants and communities

How to apply: If you are interested in serving as a Graduate Member on the HPRC, please send a cover letter and a curriculum vitae to by 5:00 p.m. on February 3rd, 2025. If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Pelin Asci, Research Ethics Manager, at

*Please note that this is an unpaid, volunteer position.

(January 8, 2025) Revised Research Ethics Timelines

Over the past two years, the volume and complexity of applications received by the ORE have steadily increased. In the meantime, the ORE has been working to develop other resources and guidance documents to improve ethics processes. As a result, processing times for ethics review have changed. Please review the current application response timelines to ensure you can meet your own research objectives.

Initial application review: Expect the review feedback to be sent to you 25 to 30 business days after your application has been submitted for review.

Revisions: Expect the review of your revisions to take 10 to 15 business days after being submitted for review.

Modifications: Expect the review of amendments to take 10 to 15 business days after being submitted for review.

These times may increase during peak periods such as in March, June, and November.

This duration may also vary if the application is incomplete when received.

(November 20, 2024) Online Office Hours

Please be advised that our Wednesday online office hours will be paused starting in December and will resume on January 8. 

(August 6, 2024) The Indigenous REB (IREB) Launches

As of June 2024, the IREB has been constituted. Any research involving Indigenous People (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis), Communities, and Nations must be reviewed by the IREB.  

A new protocol/application document for research involving Indigenous People (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis), Communities, and Nations has been created. The IREB is happy to accept protocols using the new application. However, for researchers who may have begun preparing their application using the old protocol form for Indigenous research protocols (HPRC protocol form), you may submit your application using the older form up until September 1st, 2024. After this date, all Indigenous research protocols must be submitted using the new application form.

Please note: all research involving Indigenous People (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis), Communities, and Nations that are conducted under the auspices of York University must be reviewed by the IREB. This includes faculty research and student research (thesis/dissertation, MRPs/Projects, and course-related projects) that may have been previously reviewed by delegated review committees. For all other research conducted at the University, the Senate Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and its associated Human Participants Review Committee (the HPRC) apply.

(January 12, 2024) ORE Launches Online Office Hours

Starting on January 17th 2024, the Office of Research Ethics will host virtual office hours via Zoom every Wednesday between 12 pm - 1 pm.

Join Zoom meeting to attend virtual office hours (opens in new window)

Meeting ID: 938 0724 3625

Please drop in if you have any questions. No appointment necessary.

Reminder - Protocol Submission Deadline for 2025

Protocols received after Friday November 14th, 2025 will not be circulated to the committee until the New Year.

In addition, due to the significant volume of protocols generally received in November, protocols received up to and including Friday November 14th, 2025 will be reviewed by the committee; however, committee comments and/or approvals may not be forwarded to the researchers until the 3rd week in January 2026. 

The Office of Research Ethics (ORE) is here to help academics seeking to undertake research that involves human, animals or biological agents.

We provide the research community at York University with support, guidance and oversight throughout the process. We provide the resources and expertise necessary for faculty to complete the appropriate ethics review process in an efficient and timely manner.

More specifically, we offer the following:

  • A wide variety of consultative and advisory services, including one-on-one assistance to researchers – both Faculty and student - with regards to policy and its applications, the completion of protocols, forms and the design of consent documents;
  • Pre-review of ethics documents to ensure timely review by ethics committee(s);
  • Resources and information regarding research ethics guidelines and requirements; and
  • Workshops and seminars on research ethics

Does your research need ethics approval?

Just a reminder that all research involving human, animals or biological agents must be reviewed by the relevant ethics review committee prior to the start of any research – this includes research led by students but with whom Faculty members collaborate.  Access to research funds will not be granted until the appropriate approvals are in place.

For more information on whether your research requires ethics review or not, please please see Tip Sheet 3 and Ethics Roadmap Flowchart (© Cross Campus Campstone Classroom).

Didn’t find what you need? Feel free to contact us via email at Please note that, for the Fall 2023 term, due to ongoing construction, all ORE staff members will be working remotely. We will not have access to nor monitor the main office line. Meetings and consultations can be scheduled via Zoom or MSTeams. Please email us at to schedule a meeting/ consultation or for general inquiries.

Alison Collins-MrakasDirector, Research
Pelin Asci Manager, Research
Wendy JokhooPolicy Advisor, Research Ethics
Rhianne WhittakerACC
Nadia D'AngeloResearch Ethics Review

In continued furtherance of the goal of facilitating a broader understanding of research ethics policy and processes within the research community, ORE provides a variety of educational and outreach activities throughout the academic year.

Researchers may contact the Office of Research Ethics to book an appointment or request a presentation for the following:

  1. Ethics 101
    This presentation is made available to all researchers (Staff/Faculty/Students) and provides a general overview of ethics policies, procedures and protocols.  All aspects of the requirements for the submission of an ethics protocol are covered, as are general questions regarding ethics review processes. Faculty and Staff can contact the Office of Research Ethics to book a presentation for an Undergraduate or Graduate class,  Faculty Council meeting, or any other meeting where ethics education or outreach may be required.
  2. Brown-bag sessions
    In addition to providing an overview of ethics review processes, policies and procedures, the Brown Bag Series will provide new resources on research ethics, relevant to researchers conducting research with human participants. 
    Indigenous Research Ethics - October 30th, 2024 (11.30 am to 12.30 am)
  3. Information Sessions for the Research Community (Faculty, staff, graduate & undergraduate students)
    To support the work of the Delegated Research Ethics Review Committees.
    At this time there are no schedule information sessions.

York University has three university-wide ethics review committees:

  • The Human Participants Review Committee (HPRC)
  • Animal Care Committee (ACC)
  • Biological Safety Committee (BSC)

The committees are charged with the responsibility for conducting independent, multi-disciplinary review and approval of all research proposals involving humans, animals or biological agents/biohazardous materials. They are subcommittees of the relevant Senate research committee (APPRC) and report to York University Senate through APPRC.

The ultimate responsibility for the administration of research ethics policies and procedures, resides in the Office of the Associate Vice-President Research. Operationally, the Sr. Manager & Policy Advisor, Office of Research Ethics provides oversight, management and implementation of Senate Ethics policies as they relate to research involving humans, animals and or biological agents/biohazardous materials. ORE faciliates compliance with all relevant ethics regulations within the university research context.

Research Conducted by External Researchers

Similar to other educational institutions, York University receives requests by external researchers (researchers who are not affiliated with the York University community in any capacity) to conduct research on campus and/or involving York University community members be they staff, faculty or students.

Research conducted at York University and/or with/involving York University community members (Staff/Faculty/Students) is subject to review and approval by the HRPC. As it is difficult to provide the necessary oversight of researchers external to York University and as the HPRC/ORE has little recourse with regards to the activities of external researchers, it is necessary to require external researchers to provide proof of approval from their own research institution’s REB, prior to submitting a protocol to the HPRC for review. Research conducted by external researchers which is not subject to review by other institutional REBs and thus does not have external REB approval, shall be considered for review by the HPRC on a case by case basis. However, such research, if more than minimal risk, shall not be reviewed by the HPRC.

Researchers should:

  1. Provide the Office of Research Ethics with a copy of their home institution’s REB approval certificate. In the absence of an approval certificate, external researchers shall contact ORE for further information and guidance re the potential for review.
  2. Submit an ethics protocol to the HPRC for review and approval. Please contact the Office of Research Ethics for a copy of the form (

 NOTE: For those External researchers that are simply posting flyers throughout York University and not utilizing any university resources (departments/ faculties/ university listservs etc), and have ethics approval from their home institution, further ethics review from the HPRC (York’s REB) is not required.

Said external researchers must provide copies of the following documents to ORE:

  • REB approval certificate from home institution
  • Posters to be distributed around the campus

The Office of Research Ethics is not responsible for the authorization of posting any flyers or advertisements at the University. Please contact the relevant university office for further information.

Protocol Submission Deadline for 2025

Protocols received after Friday November 14th, 2025 will not be circulated to the committee until the New Year. 

In addition, due to the significant volume of protocols generally received in November, protocols received up to and including Friday November 14th, 2025 will be reviewed by the committee; however, committee comments and/or approvals may not be forwarded to the researchers until the 3rd week in January 2026.

Review Process


York University is committed to the highest standards of integrity in research. All projects involving the use of Human Participants (including research involving Indigenous People [First Nations, Inuit, and Métis], Communities, and Nations), Animals and Biological Agents are subject to review by the appropriate University committee. York has formulated policies for the conduct of research involving all three of these areas.

All research involving humans, Indigenous People (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis), Communities, and Nations, animals and/or biological agents/biohazardous materials conducted by faculty, staff or students, regardless of where the research is conducted, is subject to review and approval by the relevant ethics committee and /or its delegate ethics review committee in accordance with relevant guidelines, policies and regulations. It is the policy of the University that researchers conducting research involving human subjects, animals and/or biohazardous agents must obtain approval of their research from the relevant ethics committee prior to commencing research activities.

NOTE: Ethics approval is required regardless of whether the research is funded or not (this includes pilot and/or preliminary research)

The following links will provide you with an in-depth explanation of the research ethics review processes for research with:


For general research news and events, awards, funding and new developments pertaining to Research & Innovation, please check the news and events links as well as the @YUResearch Twitter feed.

For all COVID-19-related news, visit the page YU Better Together.