The Biosafety Committee (BSC) at York has jurisdiction over all research involving biohazardous and/or biological agents that is conducted on campus. It is the BSC's mandate to ensure that such research is conducted in a manner consistent with the relevant regulations and guidelines including but not limited to PHAC's Canadian Biosafety Standard, 2nd Edition. It is the policy of the University that researchers intending to use recombinant DNA molecules or animal viruses and cells must obtain approval of their research protocol by the BSC before a grant application may be endorsed by the University.
"It is the policy of the University that researchers intending to use biohazardous and/or biological agents including recombinant DNA molecules or animal virus cells must obtain approval of their research protocol by the Biosafety Committee (BSC) before a grant application may be endorsed by the University."
More information on policies and procedures, as well as forms & documents, is available for the York University community on the YULink website.