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Zhifan Luo

External Research Associate


Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology & Wilson College of Leadership and Civic Engagement, McMaster University

Research Keywords:

Social media; political sociology; digital sociology; public sphere; computational social science

Research Region(s):

China, East Asia

Dr. Zhifan Luo’s research investigates the intricate interplay among digital technologies, political power and civil society. Two questions propel this investigation. In the authoritarian context, how do the rulers adapt to the digital age, and how does the adaptation affect civic life and discourses? In the democratic context, how does digital technology reshape civil relationships and civic engagement? Dr. Luo’s research appears in peer-reviewed journals such as New Media & Society, Information, Communication & Society, China: An International Journal, Journal of Political Power, Journal of World-Systems Research, Armed Forces & Society, and Sociological Inquiry.
