Graduate Awards offered by YCAR - apply by 11 February 2019
The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) is accepting applications for graduate awards for students conducting research related to Asia or Asian diasporas. The deadline for all applications is Monday,...
New Asia Colloquia Paper by Patrick Alcedo
Our latest Asia Colloquia Paper is based on Patrick Alcedo’s February 2016 lecture-performance, “An Empire Stages Back: Nationalism, Postcoloniality, and the Diaspora in Philippine Dance.” The lecture-performance was a staging of how...

SEEC-ABMP awarded Gold in Education Excellence
The Asian Business Management Program (SEEC-ABMP) was awarded Gold in Education Excellence by the Canada China Business Council at the Business Excellence Awards ceremony earlier this month. The Canada China...

Twenty-one students receive YCAR graduate awards for research on Asia and Asian diaspora
The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) awarded funding to 21 graduate students to support research on Asia and Asian diasporas. The recipients were selected through a competitive application process...

YCAR Update for 11 September 2011
*Please email your news and announcements to ycar@yorku.ca YCAR NEWS Welcome Back! YCAR welcomes all our associates back for the new academic year! We have an exciting calendar of events this...

YCAR Update for 22 August 2018
Please email your news and announcements to ycar@yorku.ca YCAR NEWS || Associates Joan Judge (History) Joan Judge was awarded a York-Massey Visiting Scholarship to spend her 2018–19 sabbatical at Massey College,...

YCAR Associates in the Media
Sara Furhan (History) was interviewed by The Intercept about the challenges of her research on the Royal Medical College of Baghdad. The article discusses the challenges Sara and other researchers...

Congratulations to Ethel Tungohan and Ei Phyu Smith!
Ethel Tungohan Ethel Tungohan (Politics) was appointed Canada Research Chair of Canadian Migration Policy: Impacts and Activism. Her research will analyze discourses that have underpinned the Canadian government’s policies towards...

New Writing From Our Associates
Michael Nijhawan, Lily Cho: Faculty Associate Michael Nijhawan (Sociology) is co-editor of ‘Contesting Memory and Citizenship,’ a special journal issue of Citizenship Studies (Volume 22, Issue 4) published earlier this...

The Digital Humanities & Social Sciences for Teaching & Learning Showcase: The David Wurfel Fonds
YCAR Associate, Wendy Alejandra Medina De Loera (Doctoral student, Geography) presented a digital collection of archival materials from the David Wurfel fonds for the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences for...