YCAR Asian Heritage Month Event Featured in The Philippine Daily Inquirer
YCAR's 2016 Asian Heritage Month event focusing on Filipino voices in Canada was featured in The Philippine Daily Inquirer last week. The event brought together scholars, artists and community organizers for a vibrant...
Ali Kazimi on Trudeau's Apology for the Komogata Maru Incident
On 18 May, 2016, Justin Trudeau delivered a long awaited formal apology for the 1914 Komagata Maru incident in the House of Commons. Ali Kazimi, Associate Professor of Cinema & Media...
DEADLINE EXTENDED | Call for Papers: Gender Issues in India
The two-day symposium on 5-6 October 2016 will showcase Canadian research on gender issues in India and bring together researchers across disciplines with diverse methodologies, to learn about ongoing research (and...
Tamil Studies Symposium Program Now Available
The exciting program for the 2nd Tamil Studies Symposium (6-7 May 2016) is now available on our website. This year's symposium is organized around the theme of Bearing Witness: Unspeakable Crimes,...
Associate Publication | A ‘Just Hearing’: Reading Shyam Selvadurai’s The Hungry Ghosts as Counter to State Practice
Arun Nedra Rodrigo’s (Humanities) essay in the Studies in Canadian Literature special Komogata Maru issue is now available online. “A ‘Just Hearing’: Reading Shyam Selvadurai’s The Hungry Ghosts as Counter...
Community Event | A Third Gender: Beautiful Youths in Japanese Prints
A Third Gender: Beautiful Youths in Japanese Prints May 7, 2016 to November 27, 2016 Royal Ontario Museum Curated by Asato Ikeda, Bishop White Postdoctoral Fellow of Japanese Art...
Photo gallery | 2016 N. Sivalingam Memorial Lecture with Navi Pillay
On April 7, 2016, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, delivered the annual N. Sivalingam Memorial Lecture on the topic of "Accountability and Justice for International Crimes: Challenges and...
Thuy Nguyen to present on disability and social justice on panel in Halifax
YCAR Research Associate, Thuy Nguyen, will present her work at a public talk on disability and social justice at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax. The event, Re-imagining disability and social justice:...
Faculty Associate Guida Man interviewed by the Toronto Star on viral video about Chinese women
Guida Man, YCAR Faculty Associate and Associate Professor of Sociology at York University, was interviewed by the Toronto Star about the video on the Chinese "marriage market" released by the...
Visiting Scholar Publication | Study on Introducing Student Vote Program for Prospective Voters Under the Korean Public Official Election Act
Soohwan Song, Director of the Korean National Assembly Secretariat and visiting scholar at YCAR, recently published a study in the Korea Law Review examining Canada's Student Vote Program and the potential benefits...