Asia Research Brief | Multiple Experiences of Filipino Young Adults: Identity, Community and Social Justice
The second 2015 edition of the Asia Research Briefs investigate the ways in which Filipino-Canadian young adults construct positive individual and collective identities. Multiple Experiences of Filipino Young Adults: Identity, Community...
Yi-Li Wu visits YCAR
Joan Judge, Yi-Li Wu, Doris Sung Yi-Li Wu, Research Fellow, EASTmedicine Research Cluster, University of Westminster, visited YCAR earlier this month. In addition to a session...
Rethinking ‘South Asia’ in a New Imperial Age talk now online
Rethinking ‘South Asia’ in a New Imperial Age, a keynote lecture presented by Saadia Toor at the second Critical Approaches to South Asia Studies workshop, is now available online. The video can be found...
New Directions in Environmental Governance
The New Directions in Environmental Governance project team met together in January for the first project workshop. The team includes Canadian, Australian, Chinese and Thai researchers. The workshop was held...

Call for Papers | Youth, Diversity and Social Development in the Multicultural Metropolis
Cities are sites of intense social, economic and cultural change, and youth are at the forefront of these transformations. Youth have distinctive experiences of: economic and labour market restructuring; innovative...
Publication | Workshop papers selected for special issue of Gender, Place and Culture
Research presented in a summer 2014 workshop series co-hosted by YCAR will be published as a special issue in the journal Gender, Place and Culture. The Emotion of Migration was...
Media | Live-in Caregiver Program panel
A recent Philippine Reporter article offers a detailed look at a panel that was organized at YCAR in December concerning the new set of regulations that have drastically changed the...
Application deadline approaching for awards offered by YCAR
York University students who are engaged in research on Asia and/or Asian diaspora are invited to apply to several awards offered by YCAR. The deadline for all awards is 4pm...
Media | Wendy Wong on cartoons as indicator of freedom of speech
Wendy Wong (Design) commented on creative works such as cartoons and posters as indicators of the freedom of speech found in a society during an interview Omni News on 9...
YCAR Professional Development Fund opportunity deadline approaching
A reminder to YCAR Graduate Associates that the deadline for application to the YCAR Professional Development Fund is Monday, 19 January by 9am. The York Centre for Asian Research’s Professional...