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Associate News | Colin McGuire recipient of two paper prizes


The Canadian Society for Traditional Music has recognized Colin McGuire’s research and awarded him the CSTM/SCTM Student Paper Prize for the best paper presented by a student at the organization’s...

Call for Papers | 2015 Critical Approaches to South Asian Studies Workshop: Questions of Method in South Asian Studies


The Critical Approaches to South Asian Studies (CASAS) Workshop will take place in Toronto on 26-27 February 2015. CASAS offers a forum for exploring research on and critical discussions about...

Associate Publication | Robin Roth and Sai Latt


A new journal article by Sai Latt (YCAR alumni and Research Director, Pyidaungsu Institute for Peace & Dialogue) and Robin Roth (Geography) has been published (online) by the Journal of...

Associate News | Patrick Alcedo receives Ontario Early Researcher Award


Russ Patrick Alcedo (Dance) is one of four York professors to be awarded an Ontario Early Researcher Awards valued at $140,000. The Early Researcher Awards program helps recently appointed researchers...

Associate News | R. Patrick Alcedo receives Selma Jeanne Cohen Award for Dance and Dance Studies


The Fulbright Association has recognized R. Patrick Alcedo (Dance) with a Selma Jeanne Cohen Award for Dance and Dance Studies. The Selma Jeanne Cohen Fund for International Scholarship on Dance honours...

Associate Publications | Gregory Chin comments on China in Africa, Renminbi internationalization


Gregory Chin (Political Science) is the author of two recent blog contributions on China in Africa and Renminbi internationalization. China’s Challenge in Africa: Avoid Blame of Neo-Colonialism was posted as...

Media | Gregory Chin on new BRICS development bank and reserve currency fund


Gregory Chin (Political Science) was quoted in a Toronto Star article on the $50 billion (U.S.) development bank established by the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa –...

Call | Outward and upward mobilities: International students, their families, and structuring institutions


Call for papers for an edited collection Outward and upward mobilities: International students, their families, and structuring institutions (Working title of edited book, July 2014) Editors: Ann H. Kim, Sociology,...

Associate Publication | Michael Nijhawan


Michael Nijhawan (Sociology) and Ratiba Hadj-Moussa (Sociology) are editors of a new publication, Suffering, Art, and Aesthetics (Palgrave Macmillan, July 2014). The book brings together a range of intellectuals from...

York students "Emerging Voices on Asia"


The perspectives of recent York students on Canadian ties to a rapidly changing Asia have recently been published on the "Emerging Voices on Asia" blog of the National Conversation on...