The Centre administers or supports several programmes and projects.
Current programmes and projects (listed alphabetically):
The Adaptation and Influence of Batman’s Iconography in Hong Kong Comics and Film
Principal Investigator: Wendy Wong (Design)
Addressing the Senior Digital Divide: A Community-Academic Research Project Evaluating the Impact of Providing Seniors with Accessible Technology
Principal Investigator: Nancy Mandell (Sociology)
Funding: Mitacs
Asian Values: Fictions of Finance in Postcolonial and Diasporic Asia
Principal Investigator: Lily Cho (English)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Asian Business and Management Program (ABMP)
Executive Director: Bernard M. Frolic
Training Director: Keri Ewart
Website: https://abmp.info.yorku.ca
Asian International Students to Canadian Universities: Examining the Racialization of Chinese, Indian and Korean Students in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg
Principal Investigator: Jean Michel Montsion (Multidisciplinary Studies)
Co-Investigators at York (core national team): Ann Kim (Sociology, York), Soma Chatterjee (Social Work, York), Shirin Shahrokni (Sociology, Glendon-York)
Funding: The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/rais/
Asian Urbanism and Environmental Politics: Inundation in Jakarta/Southeast Asia
Principal Investigator: Abidin Kusno (Environmental Studies)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Autoimmunity, Self, and Society: A Sociological Approach to Chronic Illness in the Wake of SARS-CoV-2
Principal Investigator: Michael Nijhawan (Sociology)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/nijhawan-autoimmunity-self-society/
Bernard H.K. Luk Memorial Lecture in Hong Kong Studies
Website: yorku.ca/research/ycar/bernard-luk-memorial-lecture
Canada-ASEAN Initiatives
Project Director: Julie Nguyen (EAC member)
Website: www.canada-asean.org
Canada-Philippines Alternative Transnational Economies Project (ATE)
Principal Investigator: Philip F. Kelly (Geography)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: ateproject.wordpress.com
Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies Secretariat
Website: ccseas.ca
China’s Mundane Revolution: Cheap Print, Vernacular Knowledge, and the Common Reader in China’s Long Republic, 1895-1955
Principal Investigator: Joan Judge (History)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/programmes-projects/mundane-revolution/
Chinese Urbanization in Canadian Cities: Mapping the Scenes
Principal Investigator: Cary Wu (Sociology)
Funding: Canada-China Initiatives Fund (CCIF)
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/chinese-urbanization-in-canadian-cities/
COVID-19 and Punjabi Migration
Principal Investigator: Tania Das Gupta (School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies)
Funding: The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/punjabinewcomers/
Creating a Digital Archive for Sikh Protest Songs
Principal Investigator: Michael Nijhawan (Sociology)
Funding: LA&PS Minor Grant
Daily Narratives of the Chinese Diaspora in Canada: The Chinese Times (1910-1992, Vancouver)
Principal Investigator: Xueqing Xu
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Designs on Pots: Ban Chiang and the Politics of Heritage in Thailand
Project Directors: Penny B. Van Esterik (Anthropology)
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/banchiangpots/
Dynamics of Trust Before, During and After COVID-19
Principal Investigator: Cary Wu (Sociology)
Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Website: https://trustcovid19.com
Ecologies of Labour: Unpacking Labour Abuse in the Seafood Sector
Co-Investigator: Peter Vandergeest (Geography)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Emergent Futures CoLab
Co-founder Rajat Nayyar (doctoral student in Theatre & Performance Studies)
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/emergent-futures-colab/
Extreme Love: Young People’s Experiences at the Intersection of Intimacy and Violence in Urban India
Principal Investigator: Kabita Chakraborty (Children’s Studies)
Funding: The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Exploring the Experiences of Anti-Chinese/Asian Racism in the GTA
Principal Investigator: Guida Man (Sociology)
Funding: The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Exploring the Experiences of Filipina Careworkers Using Photovoice and PAR Principal Investigator: Ethel Tungohan (Politics)
Funding: The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Extreme Love: Young People’s Experiences at the Intersection of Intimacy and Violence in Urban India
Principal Investigator: Kabita Chakraborty (Children’s Studies)
Funding: The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
FilipiNEXT: Filipinx Studies in Canada and Beyond
Principal Investigator: Casey Mecija (Communication Studies)
Co-investigator: Marissa Largo (Visual Arts)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://filipinext.ca/
GCRF Living Deltas Hub
Co-Investigator: Nga Dao (Social Science)
Funding: Global Challenges Research Fund, UK Research and Innovation
Website: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/globalchallenges/water/living-deltas/
Hakka Scholars Network
Funding: Endowed gift of the Honourable Dr Vivienne Poy
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/hakka-scholars-network/
Intellectual Migration: China-Canada-US Dynamics
Principal Investigator: Lucia Lo (Geography)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://im.info.yorku.ca/
International Student Programs as Pathways to Permanent Residency? Examining International Students’ Experiences with Two-Step Immigration to Canada
Principal Investigator: Ethel Tungohan (Politics)
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/international-student-programs-pathways-permanent-residency/
Ishibashi International Symposium: “Modern Japanese Art and China”
Principal Investigator: Joshua Fogel (History)
Funding: Ishibashi Foundation
Website: https://www.ishibashi-ucsd-2018.org/
Korean Office for Research and Education (KORE)
Director: Hyun Ok Park (Sociology)
Deputy Director: Mihyon Jeon (Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics)
Funding: Academy of Korean Studies
Website: kore.info.yorku.ca
Language, Identity and Heritage Preservation in Global Chinese Communities
Principal Investigator: Jean Michel Montsion (Multidisciplinary Studies)
Funding: National Geographic
Life and Death of Urban Nature in India's Urbanizing Frontiers
Principal Investigator: Shubhra Gururani (Anthropology)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Many Ties of intimacy: Gender and Social Relations of Japanese Women and Men in Hawai’i, 1885–1924
Principal Investigator: Yukari Takai, YCAR External Research Associate
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Marxist Studies in Global and Asian Perspectives
Organizers: Raju Das (Geography) and Robert Latham (Politics)
Website: https://marxiststudies.blog.yorku.ca
Maternal Mortality, BIPOC Women and COVID-19
Principal Investigator: Lalaie Ameeriar
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Mediating Contagion: International Students Negotiating Media, Policy and Institutional Responses to COVID-19
Principal Investigator: Ethel Tungohan (Politics)
Funding: SSHRC Explore Grant, York University
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/mediating-contagion/
The Mindfulness in Motion Lab (MinML)
Project Directors: Shyam Ranganathan (Philosophy) and Priya Thomas (YCAR External Research Associate)
Mobilizing Intersectionality: Filipina Care Workers and Community Development during Covid-19
Principal Investigator: Jessica Ticar
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada via York
Navigating Information and Race in the Era of COVID-19
Principal Investigator: Jack Leong (Libraries)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Neoliberal Industrialization, the Rural Periphery, and Uneven Development in India
Principal Investigator: Raju Das (Geography)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/neoliberal-industrialization/
Philippine Studies at York University
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/philippine-studies-at-york-university/
Resisting the Birth of Buddhist Identity: Gender, Colonial Secularism and Practices of Connection in Burma
Principal Investigator: Alicia Turner (Humanities)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Sailing with the French: Labour, Trade, and Mobility in the 18th-century Indian Ocean
Principal Investigator: Margaret Schotte (History)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/dare-project-posting/sailing-with-the-french-labour-trade-and-mobility-in-the-18th-century-indian-ocean/
The Self-Translation of Eileen Chang
Principal Investigator: Jessica Tsui-yan Li (Languages, Literatures and Linguistics)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
South and Central Asia Project
Programme Director: Sergei Plekhanov (Politics)
Funding: York University, York Centre for Asian Research
Website: yorku.ca/research/ycar/programmes-projects/south-and-central-asia-project
Staged Identities: Documenting Folk Dance from the Philippines to Canada
Principal Investigator: Russ Patrick Alcedo (Dance)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://yorku.ca/research/ycar/programmes-projects-staged-identities/
Sweatshops at Sea: Labour Reform in the Thai Seafood Supply Chain via Hybrid Global Governance
Co-investigator: Peter Vandergeest (Geography)
Funding: Formas
Website: https://www.slu.se/en/departments/urban-rural-development/research/rural-development/ongoing-projects/sweatshops/
Tempat Pertemuan untuk Para Cendekiawan Sulawesi (LOBO)
Editor: Albert Schrauwers (Anthropology)
Funding: York Centre for Asian Research
Website: https://lobo.apps01.yorku.ca/
Territory, Development and the Remaking of the Northwest Uplands, Vietnam
Principal Investigator: Nga Dao (Social Science)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Transcending Babel in East Asia: The Esperanto Movement in China and Japan, 1900–1950
Principal Investigator: Joshua Fogel (History)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Trust and the Political Sociology of Health
Principal Investigator: Cary Wu (Sociology)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
University to Work Transitions of International Students in Canada
Principal Investigator: Nancy Mandell (Sociology)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Work at Sea: Explaining Labour Relations in the Global Fishing Industry
Principal Investigator: Peter Vandergeest (Geography)
Co-Investigator: Philip F. Kelly (Geography)
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Website: https://workatsea.info.yorku.ca/
For completed programmes and projects, visit our Archive page.