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Campus Services/Community Safety

Costs associated with the Campus Services bin have been divided into 2 main bins with sub-bins.

Utilities and Facilities Maintenance Costs

Costs under this bin are for Utilities (heating, cooling, electricity and water), Deferred Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Fire Inspection, Work Control Centre, Contract Administration, Stores, Custodial, Insurance and Administrative Overhead.

This space is available exclusively for the use of a Faculty/Ancillary/Shared Service unit. The Faculty, Ancillary unit or Shared Service unit that occupies this type of space is attributed all the Utilities and Facility Maintenance costs associated with the space.


Net Assignable Square Metres (NASM)


Costs are attributed based on the NASM occupied by Faculty, Ancillary unit or Shared Service unit.

This is space that cannot be directly attributed to an individual Faculty, Ancillary unit or Shared Service unit. Such space provides service across the University and includes foyers, hallways, washrooms, electrical rooms, etc.


Population FTEs (students, faculty and staff)


Costs are attributed to revenue generating units based on share of population FTEs.

The Teaching Space cost sub-bin captures the costs related to teaching space.


The Teaching Space sub-bin has two cost drivers:

  • NASM of space utilized
  • Length of time space is utilized


Classrooms are grouped into categories based on number of seats, and the Teaching space NASM is calculated based on these classroom categories. The NASM is further adjusted to take into account the amount of time this space is utilized.

Other Campus Services/Community Safety

This bin captures costs related to other services provided by Facilities Services/Community Safety to the York community, such as Security, goSAFE, CCTV Monitoring, Card Access, Emergency Preparedness, Transportation, Grounds, Waste, Capital Fleet Replacement, Mailing Services, Environmental Design & Sustainability, Planning & Renovations, Facilities Development, Administrative Overhead, etc.


Population Head count (students, faculty, staff)


Costs are attributed based on the share of population of full-time and part-time employee (faculty & staff) headcount, and student headcount (domestic & international).