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Microlecture Series in Sustainable Living

Welcome to York University’s free Microlecture Series in Sustainable Living, an innovative and interdisciplinary open access program that gives participants the opportunity to learn from six of York’s world-renowned academic experts on a diverse range of topics related to sustainability.

Become a Sustainable Living Ambassador with York University’s Microlecture Series in Sustainable Living:

  • Learn from York’s world-renowned academic experts 
  • Watch all six videos, correctly answer each test question 
  • Commit to making positive sustainability-focused changes in your daily life 
  • Earn a first-of-its-kind Digital Badge in Sustainable Living to share on social media


Microlecture Participants

Join us in creating positive change

Part of York University’s commitment to sustainability, the Microlecture Series and Digital Badge can empower anyone to combine knowledge and action to create positive change in their communities and around the world.
