Discover how File Access Storage (FAS) can help you securely store, organize, and access your files anytime, anywhere. Learn more about managing your email storage, including capacity limits, usage insights, and tips for efficient organization.
Featured Services
File Access Service (FAS) is a file share service for students, faculty and staff at York University. A Passport York account is required to authenticate and access a FAS share.
FAS has dedicated storage allocation to accommodate various academic and administrative purposes such as:
- Share course materials with students
- Share confidential files internally within same department
- Share confidential files externally across departments
- Data repository for academic research
- Data repository for sensitive clinical and patient information, compliant to PHIPA
The service runs on premise, in York University datacenters which are secure, highly availability, reliable and resilient.
Service Costs:
A storage service fee applies, at the rate of $0.105 per GB, per month
For example, 50 GB of FAS storage allocation= $5.25 per month or $63.00 per year
Minimum FAS storage allocation: 50 GB
Minimum FAS storage increase/decrease increments: 10 GB
Authentication to the service requires a Passport York account
Access control:
Access to the FAS share are granted with the following privileges:
- Read access
- Modify/Write access
If there are further requirements to structure and enforce folder access controls within the FAS share, additional consultation will be arranged
Supported client operating systems:
Mac OS 10.15 and later
Microsoft Windows 10 1909 and later
How do I access it?
Please submit a request by completing the request form on: > Information Technology > I am an Employee > Service Request Forms > Central Storage Request
Your email account has a certain quota of storage available. This includes emails, documents, pictures and videos.
How do I access it?
Your Microsoft M365 account includes OneDrive storage.
Frequently Asked Questions

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