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News, events and other updates

Teacher Education Around the World: ESD at the Heart of Education—Responsibilities and Opportunities Towards a Sustainable Future for All

We are pleased to inform you than a new book with a contribution from the Chair team Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education: Canadian…

UNESCO´s Futures of Education open for contributions

UNESCO´s long awaited new initiative on the Futures of Education is now open for contribution. Please get involved and share your vision of an education…

Global Education Conference on Teacher Education for ESD has started

More than 200 educators, ministry officials and education managers have come together in Okayama (Japan) to discuss the Futures of Education and how teachers can…

2019 Global Conference on Teacher Education for Education for Sustainable Development

We are inviting our networks and friends to take part in a global conference entitled # Teaching for 2030: Multi-layering ESD and GCED for Innovations…

U.N. development conference planned for The Mount in Peterborough Event will explore how sustainable goals can be reached in county

Peterborough is hosting a conference aimed at exploring how the United Nation's sustainable development goals can be applied in Peterborough County. Understanding the UN Sustainable…