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Academic read: Mapping Decolonization in Canadian University Curriculum

Academic read: Mapping Decolonization in Canadian University Curriculum

Colleagues at Western University have published an interesting article on five common approaches Canadian universities are engaging in to decolonize and/or Indigenizing their curriculum.

These approaches are:

  1. Including Indigenous knowledges and perspectives across the disciplines
  2. Capacity building through curriculum support and informal learning/unlearning opportunities
  3. Mandatory Indigenous course requirements
  4. Increasing Indigenous autonomy by elevating and creating Indigenous programs and offices
  5. Creating partnerships with Indigenous organizations

Authors argue that while most of these approaches are minor changes, there is promise for more substantive change if Indigenous Peoples, lands, and knowledges are centred, especially through leadership and structure.

Read the whole article here:

CITATION: Brunette Debassige, Candace, Pauline Wakeham, Cindy Smithers-Graeme, Aisha Haque, and Sara Mai Chitty. 2022. Mapping Approaches to Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Curriculum at Canadian Universities: Critical Reflections on Current Practices, Challenges, and PossibilitiesThe International Indigenous Policy Journal13(3), 1-24.