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Research Library

Are you looking to make changes to your curriculum? Interested in learning what have others done to support curricular innovation in the areas of content, skills, experience, and structure?

This page will be an ever-growing library of articles and general readings related to curricular changes of content, skills, experiences, and structure that can support your curricular renewal and/or innovation.

Renewal and innovation comes from doing new things. New and unique elements structured into students' learning, specifically "High Impact Practices" or HIPs, can support innovative and student-centric curriculum.

See below for helpful readings and resources to support curricular renewal and innovation and contact us to add your own.

Content innovation in curriculum may look like the addition, or foregrounding, of content related to:

Curricular innovation in regards to skill building may look like a program that features explicit opportunities to develop skills such as:

Innovative curriculum could learning experiences rather than just courses. Think about adding following elements into a program:

The structure of your program may be the way you innovate. Innovative program structure may look like (re)organizing your program so that it involves:

Interested in renewing or innovating your curriculum?

Explore our resources or contact our Program and Curriculum Development Specialist for support.