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Known Evaluation Issues

The following list provides a list of errors and alerts that may be generated from the York WordPress 2020 theme and the modules that are enabled centrally for the York WordPress 2020 theme, when using the WAVE browser extension accessibility evaluation tool, or keyboard tabbing in a web browser. 

Examples of the kinds of errors/alerts in the list are those generated by third-party plugins that are are externally controlled, or alerts that are triggered because they require review in order to determine whether fixes need to be made for that particular issue.  

This list does not include the specific content that your site may have, which also needs to meet AODA website accessibility requirements. 

If you find additional errors, alerts or issues related to the York WordPress 2020 theme, or centrally available blocks, widgets or plug-ins, please contact the Digital team in Communications & Public Affairs via email: 

York WordPress 2020 theme (not including modules or content) 


A nearby image has the same alternative text

One instance of this alert may be triggered by the York logo in the footer (this alert is triggered because it has the same alt text as the York logo in the header, but they should be the same as they point to same location): 

<img alt="York University" data-src="" class="w-100 mb-4 ls-is-cached lazyloaded" src="">

Noscript element

One instance of this alert is triggered from the code required for Google Tag Manager, which is a part of the theme: 

<iframe height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""></iframe> 

Several instances on this alert may be triggered from the use of Smush, a third-party plugin used in the theme to load images on a page as needed, and which is a part of the theme (if you add additional images in the content of your site you may have additional instances of this alert for each image you add): 

<img src="" alt="York University" class="yu-logo"> 
<img src="" alt="York University" class="w-100 mb-4"> 

One instance of this alert may be triggered from the use of a third party plugin: 

<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src=";ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> 

Social Feeds Media module

The Social Feeds Media module is a centrally available module for sites that use the York WordPress 2020 theme. 


Very low contrast

Instances of this error triggered from links within may look like the following:

<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">

This alert is being triggered because of low color contrast between text and background.

Alerts, a third-party social media aggregator widget, is used for this module which generates the following alerts. You should use any accessibility features within a widget or plug-in to make your content as accessible as possible, but because there are issues that we may not have control in resolving, we have contacted Curator to make their widget WCAG 2.0 AA compliant. 

A nearby image has the same alternative text

Instances of this alert triggered by may look like the following: 

<img class="crt-post-userimage" src="" alt="Profile image for York University"> 
<img class="crt-post-userimage" src="" alt="Profile image for York University"> 

This alert may be triggered because more than one image are using the same alt text. In the example above, both images are the same so should have the same alt text. 

Suspicious link text

Multiple instances of this alert triggered by may look like the following:

<a href="#" class="crt-post-read-more-button"> 
Read more 

This alert is triggered because there are links that are using generic text (i.e. “Read more”) as the link text. 

Redundant link

Multiple instances of this alert triggered by may look like the following: 

<div class="crt-post-fullname"> 
<a href="" target="_blank"> 
York University 
<span class="crt-post-username"> 
<a href="" target="_blank"> 

This alert is triggered because there are multiple links that go to the same url, including links that have different link text.

HTML5 video or audio

Multiple instances of this alert triggered by may look like the following: 

<video preload="none" playsinline="" loop="" muted="" ref="video"><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>

This alert is triggered to bring attention that videos that have audio require captions and transcripts, and audio require transcripts. 

Keyboard accessibility

The widget has keyboard accessibility issues and we have contacted Curator to make their widget WCAG 2.0 AA compliant. 

Full Calendar module

The Full Calendar module is a centrally available module for sites that use the York WordPress 2020 theme. 

The Events Calendar, a third-party calendar widget, is used for this module which may generate the following errors and alerts. You should use any accessibility features within a widget or plug-in to make your content as accessible as possible, but there may be issues that we may not have control in resolving because it is triggered by code that is generated by the widget. 


Empty link

Instances of this error may be triggered by The Events Calendar and look like the following: 

<a href="" class="tribe-events-calendar-list__event-datetime-recurring-link">
<em class="tribe-events-calendar-list__event-datetime-recurring-icon tribe-common-svgicon tribe-common-svgicon--recurring" aria-label="Recurring" title="Recurring"></em>
<a href="" class="tribe-events-calendar-month__calendar-event-datetime-recurring-link">
<em class="tribe-events-calendar-month__calendar-event-datetime-recurring-icon tribe-common-svgicon tribe-common-svgicon--recurring" aria-label="Recurring" title="Recurring"></em>
<a href="" class="tribe-events-calendar-month__calendar-event-tooltip-datetime-recurring-link">
<em class="tribe-events-calendar-month__calendar-event-tooltip-datetime-recurring-icon tribe-common-svgicon tribe-common-svgicon--recurring" aria-label="Recurring" title="Recurring"></em>
<a href="" class="tribe-events-calendar-month-mobile-events__mobile-event-datetime-recurring-link">
<em class="tribe-events-calendar-month-mobile-events__mobile-event-datetime-recurring-icon tribe-common-svgicon tribe-common-svgicon--recurring" aria-label="Recurring" title="Recurring"></em>
<a href="" class="tribe-events-calendar-day__event-datetime-recurring-link">
<em class="tribe-events-calendar-day__event-datetime-recurring-icon tribe-common-svgicon tribe-common-svgicon--recurring" aria-label="Recurring" title="Recurring"></em>

This error is triggered because there is no text within the link, and it is triggered by code that is generated by the widget. 

Broken ARIA reference

Instances of this error may be triggered by The Events Calendar and look like the following:

<a href="" rel="bookmark" class="tribe-events-calendar-month__calendar-event-title-link tribe-common-anchor-thin tooltipstered" data-js="tribe-events-tooltip" data-tooltip-content="#tribe-events-tooltip-content-769" aria-describedby="tribe-events-tooltip-content-769" style="opacity: 1;">
Test event 1

This error seems to be triggered when a featured image is added to an event.


Suspicious link text

Multiple instances of this alert triggered by The Events Calendar may look like the following:

<a href="" class="text-uppercase">
Read More
<a href="" class="text-uppercase">
Read More

This alert is triggered because there are links that are using generic text (i.e. “Read more”) as the link text. 

Redundant link

Multiple instances of this alert triggered by The Events Calendar may look like the following: 

<a href="" class="text-uppercase">
Read More
<a href="" class="text-uppercase">
Read More

This alert is triggered because there are multiple links that go to the same url, including links that have different link text.

Embedded forms

Gravity Forms, a third-party plugin, is used to create forms on web pages and may generate the following alert. You should use any accessibility features within a widget or plug-in to make your content as accessible as possible, but there may be issues that we may not have control in resolving because it is triggered by code that is generated by the widget or plugin. 


Missing fieldset

Instances of this alert may be triggered by Gravity Forms when creating a group of related radio buttons or checkboxes, and look like the following:

<label for="choice_1_3_0" id="label_1_3_0">
Choice 1