Supporting University priorities
The mandate of the UFC is to provide recommendations and advice to the President and Vice-Chancellor on the allocations from the University Fund to support University priorities.
The UFC advises the President on the utilization of the central University Fund.
UFC shall be comprised of the following:
- Provost & Vice-President Academic (Chair)
- President (ex officio)
- Vice-President Finance and Administration
- Vice-President Research & Innovation
- 4 Resource Faculty Deans, as follows:
- Dean of LAPS
- 1 Dean representing the large Faculties – Health, Science (2-year rotating appointments)
- 1 Dean representing the small Faculties – AMPD, Glendon, EUC, Education (2-year rotating appointments)
- 1 Dean representing the professional Schools – LSE, SSB, OSG (2-year rotating appointments)
The following will act as resources to the Committee:
- AVP Budgets and Asset Management
- Director of Budgets and Planning
- Others as requested from time to time by the Committee Chair
The UFC’s responsibility is to provide recommendations and advice to the President and Vice-Chancellor on:

Submissions for funding requests
from Faculties and shared service units to advance institutional priorities as defined in the University Academic Plan and emerging priorities identified in the annual budget consultations with the University community. The annual UF allocation might also incorporate a “refund” of Faculty contributions to the Fund in response to unexpected enrolment decline.

Size and sustainability
of the University Fund, including its continued ability to support institutional priorities.