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York’s Glendon Campus Launches First-of-its-kind Observatory on Populism in Canada

York’s Glendon Campus Launches First-of-its-kind Observatory on Populism in Canada

A photo of a building of the Glendon Campus on a bright day

Populism can take on many meanings and align itself with different, sometimes opposing, political ideologies. Whether left- or right-wing, populist rhetoric divides the world between a moral, disadvantaged, and homogenous “people” and corrupt and self-serving “elites” deemed to undermine the general will. Politicians using populist frames present themselves as offering the only legitimate solutions to the threats posed by such “elites”. They also frequently rely on disinformation and demonization of minority “others” to gain influence.

Emily Laxer, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Glendon College and the York Research Chair in Populism, Rights, and Legality, is the timely new Observatory’s Director, said that “Comprehending populism’s influence is uniquely challenging in Canada, where, until recently, a pervasive tale of “exceptionalism” insisted that it had not arisen as a significant political force. Yet, the ascent of parties, leaders, and movements that use populist rhetoric to mobilize Canadians’ votes and approval suggests an urgent need to rethink that understanding.”

The Observatory will include collaborations from a multidisciplinary team of researchers, including Rémi Vivès, Assistant Professor of Economics at Glendon College and quantitative researcher in the social sciences, and Efe Peker, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Political Science at the University of Ottawa.

The growing influence of populism is further compounded by a trend known as “mainstreaming,” in which ideas and policies traditionally belonging to the far ends of the political spectrum are increasingly being taken on by mainstream political parties and actors.

This process of mainstreaming is, among other things, driving the explosion of interest in populism, in Canada, and around the world.