Photographs and stories from resident photographs in both neighbourhoods, Jane and Finch and St. James Town, were curated into a travelling exhibit that was hosted in several locations. This installation is a curated selection of over 200 photos and videos shared as part of a community-based research project that will be shared in multiple venues. The exhibit features 8 key themes that were identified through a collaborative 'sensemaking' process.








Exhibit at DesignTO (June 27 - July 9, 2022)
The interactive installation was curated in collaboration with the Department of Imaginary Affairs and is part of a broader collaboration with Greenchange at the Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre, the St. James Town Community Co-op and community members from both neighbourhoods. The exhibit showcases a selection of the more than 200 photos and videos taken by community residents in their neighbourhood greenspaces.
Reflection Prompts:
1. When do you feel safe, included, welcomed and like you belong in a park or greenspace?
2. Where are these parks or greenspaces located?
3. Why do some neighborhoods have access to better parks and greenspaces than others?
Consider how the photos and stories make you feel or whether you can relate to them. Why or why not? You can also share your thoughts and reflections on social media using the hashtags:
#JnFperceptions #JnFrealities #SJTperceptions #SJTrealites
Jane and Finch Exhibit Photos | St. James Town Exhibit Photos

Exhibit at Jane and Finch (August 12, 2022)
Time: August 12, 2022 | 6 - 7:30 pm
Location: Corner Commons, Jane-Finch Mall Parking Lot,1911 Finch Avenue West
More details and register for free
A curated photography exhibit of photographs and quotes will showcase the experiences and realities of racialized residents in Jane and Finch’s greenspaces during the pandemic. This community-engaged and BIPOC-led initiative will offer a nuanced and interwoven narrative of racialized lived experiences of residents in greenspaces. The exhibit will engage attendees in exploring concepts of access, safety, inclusion and belonging to shine a critical light on the visible/invisible and seen/unseen realities of public greenspaces. In collaboration with Greenchange, Jane/Finch Centre.

Exhibit at St. James Town (August 23, 2022)
Date and Time: August 23, 2022 | 6 - 7:30 pm
Location: Unnamed Greenspace behind 200 and 275 Bleeker St. Buildings aka "Flipside"
More details and register for free
A curated photography exhibit of photographs and quotes will showcase the experiences and realities of racialized residents in St. James Town’s greenspaces during the pandemic. This community-engaged and BIPOC-led initiative will offer a nuanced and interwoven narrative of racialized lived experiences in St. James Town. The exhibit will engage attendees in exploring concepts of access, safety, inclusion and belonging to shine a critical light on the visible/invisible and seen/unseen realities of public greenspaces. In collaboration with St. James Town Community Co-operative and Auntie Amal Community Centre (AACC).

Exhibit at Urbanspace Gallery, 401 Richmond Street West (Oct 18 - Dec 24, 2022)
More details and free admission
The interactive installation was curated in collaboration with the Department of Imaginary Affairs and is part of a broader collaboration with Greenchange at the Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre, the St. James Town Community Co-op and community members from both neighbourhoods. The exhibit showcases a selection of the more than 200 photos and videos taken by community residents in their neighbourhood greenspaces.
Jane and Finch Exhibit Photos | St. James Town Exhibit Photos