The MA degree has two fields designed to be interdisciplinary, incorporating the perspectives of health policy, health system management and decision making, knowledge transfer, and health equity and health informatics. The MA degree provides students with a strong and broad theoretical foundation. Those working at the intersection of the two program fields will be positioned to address pressing research issues such as:
- The ‘absence’ of health data in racialized communities and other equity-deserving groups in Canada, and
- How politics and policymaking set the conditions within which data are collected and decisions are made
After completion of six 3.0 credit courses, graduate students will complete a major research paper (MRP). The research paper tests MA students against the educational objectives of being able to form an original researchable question, and to address it through an appropriate theoretical framework, review and synthesis of the literature, analysis of primary or secondary data sources and formation of a set of conclusions. It trains students in the formulation and writing of a specific project, and gives students the experience of working independently on a project under faculty supervision. Students develop a research topic given their interests in specific areas and are supervised by faculty members with related expertise.
The MRP is evaluated by the student's MRP supervisor and advisor through the written work, and an oral presentation at which the student's ability to answer questions related to the MRP will be assessed. The MRP is evaluated on the extent to which the student proposes an original researchable question, and her or his ability to address it through an appropriate theoretical framework, review and synthesis of the literature, analysis of primary or secondary data sources and formation of a set of conclusions. The length of the MRP is 50 pages with an upper limit of no more than 65 pages, excluding references.
Please review the MA in Health degree requirements per specialization and detailed program overview.
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The Graduate Program in Health at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.