Munjeera Jefford
Munjeera Jefford
As a PhD student in Social and Political Thought, Munjeera Jefford is pursuing her research interests in decolonizing management. She worked as a research assistant for the 2018 Faculty of Education Summer Institute, consulting leaders in school boards across Southern Ontario on race-based data collection and supervised seven junior researchers. Munjeera received generous funding from the Helen Carswell Chair for Community Engaged Arts and the Glendon Accelerator for Innovation and Best Practices in French Teaching, winning an Idéathon competition at the 2021 Camérise conference. Both funding opportunities allowed her to research applications for the funds of knowledge strategy that promotes racial inclusion of diverse communities. Munjeera also created professional development for teachers and principals interested in improving their equity quotient. She is recipient of the Stephen K. Levine Award (2017) and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2019). She participated in several initiatives such as the York Student Identity Census rolled out September 2021 and the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights Working Group.. She has served on the York University Academic Policy and Planning Committee, Faculty of Graduate Studies Council, and the 2021 Global Labour Research Center conference planning group. She has presented at over twenty conferences, travelling to Italy and Nigeria. Munjeera was an editorial reviewer for the Canadian Society for Studies in Education and Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education journals. Her publications include:
- Hegemonic Masculinities and Intersectionality in the Past and Present: A Theoretical Feminist Critique of Canada’s Immigration Policies for Chinese Railway Workers and the Live-In Caregiver Program
- Possibilities in Decolonizing English Language Learning
Munjeera’s research is supervised by Carl James, Canada’s leading authority on anti-racist education, and committee members Kamala Kempadoo and Guida Man, recipients of numerous awards and grants.
Vincci Li
Vincci Li’s SSHRC-funded doctoral research study, “Crowdfunding for our Lives: GoFundMe, welfare, and a neo-liberal ethos of care,” takes a critical look at medical crowdfunding in Canada.
Her study explores the experience of people in Canada who have raised or donated funds through crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe or FundRazr for personal health-related expenses to better understand how their perspectives might reflect and shape popular attitudes around state provisioning, social rights, and charity. As social crowdfunding becomes increasingly normalized in Canada for health care-related needs, the discourse in and around social crowdfunding is a rich site of analysis for understanding public opinions about the ideal balance of public/private provisioning. Moreover, the economic and social crisis triggered by COVID-19 renews debates of how Canadians care for, and ought to care for, one another in times of need. Specifically, it raises questions about what the roles of government, philanthropic sector, and individuals are in providing for Canadians—a balance which has shifted under neo-liberalism.
Through critical discourse analysis and a lens of feminist political economy, Li seeks to understand the values and beliefs that are produced, reproduced, and resisted within the medical crowdfunding space. Li is a PhD Candidate in the Social and Political Thought program. She is a recipient of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship for her doctoral studies.
More information about her work can be found at philanthropologie.wordpress.com.

Vincci Li

Tyler Correia
Tyler Correia
Tyler Correia is a PhD candidate at York University Canada’s Social and Political Thought Program (SPTH). Through his work, Tyler explores urban migrant-rights activisms (focusing on sanctuary cities, solidarity and No Borders politics) in their capacity to reconceptualize global institutional frameworks based on principles of hospitality. Likewise, his work is motivated by explorations of the writings of Jacques Derrida and his interlocutors—particularly his organizing around critical education and cities of refuge. Tyler is completing a dissertation on urban migration politics in response to the globalization of the nation-state. Tyler is also pursuing a graduate diploma at York’s Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS).
Tyler has completed research for publication on the politics of translation and assertions of national-cultural singularity, and formulations of cosmopolitanism informed by literary engagement. He is the recipient of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2020-21) and is currently a fellow at the Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security (2021-22). He has presented research on post-structuralist ethics, the conceptual implications of the extra-territorialization of borders, and most recently the possibility of revising notions of ‘utopia’ for urban migrant-rights politics today. He also contributes to academic and community-based work, co-organizing six conferences in his tenure as an MA and PhD student, and coordinating three events in the past year. Tyler volunteers with the FCJ Refugee Centre in Toronto helping to organize the UprootedU/UprootedJR programs, which create spaces for uprooted people to receive education at the university and high-school levels respectively.

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The Graduate Program in Social & Political Thought at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.