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pictures of masked and unmask faces that were used as stimuli

Face perception data

Data and analysis code from : Freud, E., Stajduhar, A., Rosenbaum, R. S., Avidan, G., & Ganel, T. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic masks the way people perceive faces. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-8.

Data from : Stajduhar, A., Ganel, T., Avidan, G., Rosenbaum, R. S., & Freud, E. (2022). Face masks disrupt holistic processing and face perception in school-age Children. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications7(1), 1-10.

fMRI data

Raw fMRI data from “The large-scale organization of shape processing in the ventral and dorsal pathways” (Freud et al., 2017, eLIFE)

Raw fMRI data from “Altered large-scale organization of shape processing in visual agnosia.” (Freud & Behrmann, 2020, Cortex)

Possible and impossible objects

This stimulus set includes 85 pairs of possible and matched impossible objects. The objects are freely available under a Creative Commons Licence (BY 4.0).

lease cite the following papers if you use these stimuli:

Freud, E., Ganel, T., & Avidan, G. (2015). Impossible expectations: fMRI adaptation in the lateral occipital complex (LOC) is modulated by the statistical regularities of 3D structural information. NeuroImage, 122, 188-194.

Freud, E., Ganel, T., Shelef, I., Hammer, M. D., Avidan, G., & Behrmann, M. (2017). Three-dimensional representations of objects in dorsal cortex are dissociable from those in ventral cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 27(1), 422-434.