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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

School of Health Policy & Management

Where can I find information about academic advising and setting up an academic advising appointment?

Please visit the Academic Advising Website for information regarding academic advising and setting up an academic advising appointment

Where can I familiarize myself with the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty and review the academic integrity tutorial?

Note: a lack of familiarity with the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty & Integrity cannot be used as a defence by those accused of academic misconduct.

Where can I find information about Course Withdrawal after the last day to drop a course without receiving a grade for a term up until the last day of classes for the term has ended?

There are two applications of the Withdrawn from Course Policy:

  1. When an undergraduate student drops a course near the end of the term—but before classes have ended OR
  2. When a student petitions to drop a course after classes have ended for the term

Where can I find my Final Grades?

  • Final Grades are posted online on York University's eClass website.
  • If the grade is not available, students should contact their instructor.
  • The SHPM Office does not give out grades to students.
  • If a student deferred their exam, their grade will not appear online.
  • After students write the deferred exam, they can obtain the grade from their instructor.

What if I feel my grade is not correct?

  • If a student feels their grade is not correct, they should contact their instructor.
  • Students also have the option of a Grade Reappraisal, noting that as a result grades can go up, down or remain the same
  • Students should contact the main SHPM offfice (Stong College, room #314) to complete and submit a Grade Reappraisal Form. The School of Health Policy & Management will then process the form and make the decision
  • Students will be notified by mail the outcome of the decision
  • Students should note the Grade Reappraisal Deadline Dates: Fall Term (F) February 15th, Fall/Winter (F/W) June 15th, Winter (W) June 15th, Summer (SU, S1, S2) September 30th

Where can I find the Policy on Requesting Make-Up Examinations & Late Assignment Submissions for the School of Health Policy & Management?

Please refer to the Policy on Requesting Late Assignments or Make-Up Exams included in your course outline.

  • How do I seek Permission to Add a Course (BEFORE Last date to add a course without permission of instructor?
    • Please refer to the Important Dates website.
    • Permission to add a course will not be accepted by telephone, email OR in-person
      • When trying to register into a course, students may get a message that "seats may be restricted, please contact the department." This is a standard message for the university. If you continue to try and add the course it will allow you to, once sufficient space is available.
      • Students seeking permission to add a course must complete the Seeking Course Permission Form.
      • Once the form is submitted through the online "submit" button, students will receive an email response from SHPM either granting permission to enroll or the reasons why the student cannot be granted permission.
    • Please keep in mind the following:
      • Permission will NOT be granted if prerequisites are not completed.
      • Course Instructor permission is NOT a guarantee of being granted permission to enroll based on other restrictions that may apply (example: maximum allowable enrollments (course is full) or course prerequisites required).
      • This is for Health Studies (HLST) Courses ONLY. Contact other departments for courses in other programs.

  • How do I seek Permission to Add a Course (BEFORE Last date to add a course with permission of instructor?
    • Please refer to the Important Dates website.
    • Permission to add a course will not be accepted by telephone, email OR in-person
      • Students seeking permission to add a course must complete the Seeking Course Permission Form.
      • The School of Health Policy & Management will contact the Course Instructor by email to confirm approval to enroll with permission of instructor.
      • Students will then be granted permission by the program and receive an email confirmation of Course Instructor's decision.
    • Please keep in mind the following:
      • Permission will NOT be granted if prerequisites are not completed.
      • Course Instructor permission is NOT a guarantee of being granted permission to enroll based on other restrictions that may apply (example: maximum allowable enrollments (course is full) or course prerequisites required).
      • This is for Health Studies (HLST) Courses ONLY. Contact other departments for courses in other programs.

How do I seek Permission to Enrol Late (AFTER Last date to add a course with permission of instructor?

The Petition to Enrol Late Form [PDF] is used to petition to enrol late in a course. It should only be used to enrol after the last date to add a course with permission from the course director (see Important Dates). Special permission Forms are made available to students at this time. Students should submit the form to the main SHPM office, Stong College room #314 for approval.

What is an Academic Petition?

An Academic Petition is a written request for the waiver of a Faculty's academic regulation or deadline.

Where can I find the Academic Petitions website?

  • Sometimes, the petition requires a Course Performance Summary form (found on Academic Petitions website under "What Documents Do I Need To Submit" tab
  • Please bring your Course Performance Summary [PDF] form to the main School of Health Policy & Management office, HNES building, room 403 to be completed by the instructor/department
  • Students will receive an email when the form is available for pickup
  • The complete petition package should then be handed in to the Registrar’s Office

Where do I find information on making a program change or changing my area of specialization in Health Studies? (Example: Health Policy Specialized Honours BHS Program 120 Credits seeking to change to Health Management Specialized Honours BHS Program 120 Credits).

Visit the program change/specialization change website for information on how to change your Program or Area of Specialization?

Where can I find information about Important Dates?

  • Students should check on the Important Dates, so they are aware of when they can and cannot register for courses, classes and exams start/end dates, co-curricular days and reading week, add/drop deadlines, holidays, University closings and more.

Where can I find Course Enrollment & Registration information to enrol, Search Course Timetables or Add/Drop Courses?

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