
For inquiries, contact Dr. Paolucci by phone at 416-898-6342 or by email at

The Pedagogy of Videoconferencing

I started teaching York courses by videoconference in 1988 (two years before the invention of the WWW). Most of those courses were between York-Glendon with a variety of point-to-point, site-to-site and multi-site videoconferencing technologies.

blue sphere 2010-2015: With VOICE for Deaf Kids: helping certified speech pathologist train and certify new speech pathologists as they earned their credentials in the field, working with deaf children who recently received cochlear implants.

blue sphere 2007-2008: Consultant/instructor/advisor/coach, designer, instructor, and developer of The Videoconference Instructor: Just-in-Time VC Pedagogy, an online resource resulting from the cooperative effort of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at The University of Western Ontario, and Learn Canada. Funded supplied by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Here's a testimonial from Schulich.

blue sphere 2007-2009: Ongoing videoconferencing expert and consultant/instructor/advisor/coach for the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry (Faculty Development Office), University of Western Ontario.

blue sphere 2003 (Nov 26): Sessional videoconferencing consultant/instructor/advisor/coach for Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario.

blue sphere 2001-2002: Videoconferencing consultant/instructor/advisor/coach for Videoconferencing consultant/instructor/advisor/coach at Osgoode's Master's degree in Internet Law (Osgoode Professional Development).

blue sphere 2000 (May) – 2002 (April): Director/Directeur Centre des technologies de l'enseignement (Educational Technologies Centre, Glendon College).
Glendon is a trilingual (English, French, and Spanish) liberal arts college with diverse pedagogical and technological needs. The purpose of the center was to nurture and support faculty in the sound pedagogical application of technology to teaching, and to assist them in the procurement of R&D funding on projects that integrated teaching and technology. Part of the work was motivating and advising faculty members about research and development funding, and software choices in the development and design of online education. I was also responsible for assisting in institution-wide strategic planning for technological and pedagogical development, and, on behalf of Glendon, for seeking out, nurturing, and maximizing the benefits of symbiotic partnerships with other post-secondary educational institutions and with private sector partners.
blue sphere 1998 (Jan – June): Lecturer and advisor for faculty and students in Schulich School of Business Internet Research 601, a required course for the MBA.

blue sphere Spring 1994: Videoconferencing consultant/instructor/advisor/coach for York's Environmental Studies and the British Columbia government's Ministry of the Environment. Overseen by Professors Peter Homenuk and Dalton Kehoe, Environmental Studies.

Project Management

blue sphere 2005 (Jan 31, Feb 1, 2, 3, 7, 10): Project Management Trainer (PMBOK), with Lisa Parente, for the Ministry of Government Services, Government of Ontario. The Technical Training Room, 180 Dundas St., 5th floor, Toronto.

blue sphere 2000-2003 Developed my Project Management skills by administering a $320,950 CANARIE grant.

blue sphere 1997-2018: Trainer/instructor/advisor in Project Management for Webmasters at the Seneca Webmaster program

Student Career Day

blue sphere 2013 (Feb 13): What Can I Do with a Humanities Degree? You can see the talk starting at 51:16 on the time stamp.

Accessibility, HCI and User Testing

blue sphere 2004 (June 17). WHY diVeRSItY IS IMPOSSIBLE with our current learning technologies for the STLHE (Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education). Hosted by the University of Ottawa.

blue sphere 2003 (Feb 6 and 7): Accessibility and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) Consultant for the Government of Ontario. Training Government of Ontario staff how to convert online PDF forms into W3 accessible-compliant XHTML strict.

Plagiarism and Academic (Dis)Honesty

blue sphere 2007 (June 13): Keynote speaker (Why Students Cheat) Sponsored by Lambton College, in Sarnia, Ontario.

blue sphere 2007 (May 4): Keynote speaker (Why Students Cheat). Sponsored by Niagara College, in Welland, Ontario.

blue sphere 2006 (June 8): Keynote speaker "Why Students Cheat" and applied workshop "How Students Cheat" at the Stepping Into Your Future conference for all the community colleges of southwestern Ontario. Sponsored by Lambton College, in Sarnia, Ontario. The applied workshop exposed faculty to a number of different technological tricks that students sometimes use to disguise plagiarized material. The workshop also included techniques for defeating Turnitin. Refereed.

blue sphere 2004 (June 3). "UNDESIRABLE SYNERGY: Academic Dishonesty and The Tyranny Of Conformity," delivered to The Region of Southwest Ontario Community Colleges Summer Teaching Workshops in Ridgetown, Ontario. ( Precursor to Why/How Students Cheat )

blue sphere 2004 (April 1). "UNDESIRABLE SYNERGY: Academic Dishonesty and The Tyranny Of Conformity for Niagara College, Welland Campus." ( Precursor to Why/How Students Cheat )

Pedagogies of Online Teaching and Learning

blue sphere 2000: Asynchronous communication (First Class) consultant for the first Cedaw (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) Impact Study Final Report, released during the twenty-third session of the CEDAW Committee, New York, June 2000, by Marilou McPhedran, Susan Bazilli, Moana Erickson, Andrew Byrnes, With an Introduction by, Andrew Byrnes and Jane Connors. Published By The Centre For Feminist Research, York University And The International Women's Rights Project. (Acknowledgement on p. 8.)

blue sphere 1995-1998: Coordinator for Teaching and Technology at York's CST (Centre for the Support of Teaching), where I designed and offered a variety of workshops and liaised with faculty and various technical support departments. I also helped with planning and grant proposal writing.

Private Sector

2007 - 2010: Member of the Editorial and Technical Advisory Board of Open Source Shakespeare: An Experiment in Literary Technology.

1999-2001: Founding member and coordinator of volunteers for SIP (The Society of Internet Professionals) and Sipgroup, now merged with and Accredited Internet Professionals (AIP).

1997 (Fall): Invited member of the International Curriculum Committee (subsequently morphed into the CIW) in 1998 that established the technical and pedagogical requirements for certification in the IPW (Institute of Professional Webmasters) program.
The program was renamed in 1998 as the Association of Professional Webmasters. Our task was to establish standards and define equivalencies between professional certification in Novell (CNE: Master Certified Novell Engineer), Microsoft (MCSE), community colleges, and university computer science departments (B.A. and B.Sc.). In other words we had to design a curriculum that would meet both academic and industry standards. "The Association is managed by a Board of Directors that includes representatives from Ernst and Young, IBM, Open Market, Netstar Interactive, The Cohen Group, Microsoft Canada, mbanx, AT&T, Onyx Interactive, Informix, Novell, Apple Canada, Canoe, WebTV, Oracle, Netscape, CIBC, Mentors Inc., and Athabasca University."