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Associate Publication | Michael Nijhawan

Associate Publication | Michael Nijhawan

Suffering, Art, and AestheticsMichael Nijhawan (Sociology) and Ratiba Hadj-Moussa (Sociology) are editors of a new publication, Suffering, Art, and Aesthetics (Palgrave Macmillan, July 2014). The book brings together a range of intellectuals from the social sciences and humanities to speak to cutting-edge theoretical debates around the questions of suffering in art and suffering and art. It asks how we might conceptualize the relationship between suffering, art, and aesthetics from within the broader framework of social, cultural, and political thought today? How do we test the limits of such frameworks of thinking and speaking when reflecting on artworks that are situated at the very edges of everyday human experiences of vulnerability, loss, and ongoing suffering?

For more information, visit the publisher’s web site:

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