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2014 Asia Lecture with Malathi de Alwis now online

2014 Asia Lecture with Malathi de Alwis now online

YCAR’s 2014 Asia Lecture by Malathi de Alwis, Trauma, Memory, Forgetting, is now available to view online.

Visit  to view the lecture.

In post-war Sri Lanka, the battle for memory and forgetting plays a central role in the state’s fraught relationship with its Tamil population who have borne the brunt of a three-decade long war. Dr. de Alwis' lecture delineated certain contours of this festering wound while exploring an alternative politics of bereavement and memorialization encompassed in the work of one of Sri Lanka’s foremost artists, Thamotharampilla Shanaathanan.

Dr. de Alwis spoke at York University on 4 November 2014 as part of a week-long visit to Toronto.