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CCK Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Chinese Studies, 2017-2018


Deadline: Friday, 28 April 2017 Discipline: Social Sciences and Humanities Fellowship location: York University, Toronto, Canada Eligibility Emerging scholars who are Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents, who have received a...

YCAR is offering 10 awards to cover AAS membership and 2017 conference registration fee


The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Conference will be held in Toronto at the Sheraton Centre on 16-19 March 2017. For York University students who are not presenting research at...

Transnational Configurations of Tamil Identities (submissions deadline 10 February 2017)


Transnational Configurations of Tamil Identities Tamil Studies Symposium 2017 York University New Submissions Deadline: 10 February 2017 Tamil migrations have moved across multiple continents in the present, and maintained an...

Call for Papers: The Geotechnical Politics of Ocean Frontiers: The Canadian North and the Indo-Pacific


27-28 April 2017, York University Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday, 15 February 2017 Context: Ocean frontier politics is part of the earthly politics of deploying science, technology and international law to...

Social Life and Shifting Meaning of Collected Objects: Japanese Ceramics of Sir William Cornelius Van Horne (1843–1915)


The newest addition to YCAR's Asia Research Brief's series is From Japan to Canadian Museum Storage: Shifting Meaning of Objects from the Japanese Ceramics Collection of William Cornelius Van Horne...

YCAR Associates | Student associates organize cross-university workshop on feminist political ecology methods.


On 19 November 2016, YCAR Graduate Associates Kimberly Roberts and Sarah Allen (Geography) organized a cross-university workshop on Feminist Political Ecology Methods. The workshop brought together graduate students from York...

Call for submissions | Transnational Configurations of Tamil Identities: Tamil Studies Symposium 2017


Tamil migrations have moved across multiple continents in the present, and maintained an interconnectivity often borne through shared linguistic, cultural, economic and political links. These crossings begin from the earliest...

YCAR Associate | New book by Kusno on Visual Cultures of the Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia


Faculty Associate Abidin Kusno’s (Environmental Studies) new book, Visual Cultures of the Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia (Roman & Littlefield International, 2016), explores how visual representations shaped and were shaped by...

Call | Research at the Interface of Activism and Academia in Southeast Asia


*** The submissions deadline has been EXTENDED to 13 January 2017 *** Organized by: The York Centre for Asian Research, York University, Toronto Southeast Asia Council of the Association for...

Transnational Filipinx Studies Workshop


On Monday 14 November 2016 YCAR co-sponsored the Transnational Filipinx Studies workshop which brought together scholars and community members from both the United States and Canada to explore the similarities...