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CAIMS21: two mini-symposia organized by the CDM

The key idea of the two mini-symposia is to have experts in disease modelling and public health to come together and share their work on COVID19 and other infectious diseases with other researchers and the  public.

The minisyposium "Mathematical Modelling of COVID-19 Transmission and Mitigation Strategies: Efforts to End the Pandemic" was organized by Jude D. Kong and Elena Aruffo and scheduled for JUNE 21 11 am-1pm and 3pm-5pm (EDT).

The minisymposium "Mathematical Modelling for Transmission and Control of Infectious Disease" was organized by Pei Yuan and Jummy F. David and scehduled for JUNE 23 1.30 pm-3.30 pm (EDT) and JUNE 24 11 am-1pm (EDT).

Info, agenda and zoom links available at: