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SC/NATS 1636 3.0 Insects: Identification, Importance and Impacts

SC/NATS 1636 3.0 Insects: Identification, Importance and Impacts

Course Description

Insects are incredibly fascinating and important creatures. They are the most successful group of animals on the planet with a wide array of interesting adaptations that permit them to thrive in different environments all over the world. Insects significantly impact the lives of humans, and other organisms, in both beneficial and negative ways. Bees provide us with honey and pollinate
many of the plant crops we eat, silkworms spin silk which we use to make clothes, and there are a variety of insects that destroy plant crops and forests, and spread disease. In this course students delve into topics related to the study of insects, including examining their relationship with humans and other organisms, and exploring general features and specialized characteristics that have contributed to their success across this planet.

Students who are taking or have completed BIOL 3030 or BIOL 4230 may not take this course. Prerequisites: None. Co-requisites: None
