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Bridget Stutchbury

Bridget Stutchbury

Picture of Bridget Stutchbury
Bridget Stutchbury
Full Professor
Graduate Program Director - Biology



Eligible to Supervise

Biology Graduate Program


Stutchbury Lab


Office Location Lumbers Building, 203F
Phone Number (416)736-2100 x 66637 (Voicemail)

Research Focus

My long term research examines the population ecology and conservation of birds. My recent research has used light-level geolocators to track the long distance migration movements of songbirds to understand migration ecology, seasonal carry-over effects and the extent to which breeding populations depend on specific wintering regions. We have also used radiotelemetry to determine the survival of young birds after they leave nest, and test how forest fragmentation and logging affects this fledgling survival. Over the next few years we use long-term coded radiotags and a large automated telemetry array (MOTUS) in Ontario to test how forest fragmentation and agricultural intensification affects juvenile dispersal and survival.


Ecology, population biology, conservation biology

Research Areas

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology