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Help shape the future of eReports with your ideas!

Your insights are crucial in shaping the future of eReports. We believe that the best improvements come from listening to our users—that's you! Provide your feedback!

eReports is currently available.


  • Service Recognition Report

    The Service Recognition Report has been updated and is available.

  • December 2024 Networking and Communications Statement

    Networking and Communications Statements are now available for December 2024.

  • New reports available!

    We are thrilled to announce that additional reports have been updated which now include the Interactive View functionality. Reminder to Check out our feature-highlights post for an overview of the new Interactive Viewer functionality and features. Updated Reports The following reports have been updated to function with the new interactive viewer: Balance Sheet Employee Listing by Department…

Passport York AccountYou will need a Passport York Account to log in to eReports.
Request AccessYou will also need to request access to view reports. Submit a request for access to with the following information:
- Employee Name
- Employee ID and valid Passport York username
- Which reports you require access to (Finance, Human Resources, or Advancement reports). Contact your Executive Officer or Finance Officer for assistance
Finance Only- List of cost centres or financial rollups that access is required.
- For Funds 100, 200, and 300, it is necessary to provide the requested access level (Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced). For a list of reports by level, see eReports Access Levels.
- Rolling Budgets (Funds 100, 200, and 300 only) if required. Note: It is a prerequisite to have cost centres/financial roll-ups at the intermediate access level or higher for access to rolling budgets, and by default, access will be restricted to these cost centres/financial roll-ups. Access requests for Funds 400 and 500 must come from the cost centre manager or Research Accounting.
Human Resources only - List of departments with access to a given report—access will be restricted to employees in those departments.
Advancement only - Send an email to to request access.
Monday-Friday5:00 AM-11:00 PM
Saturday8:00 AM-Midnight
Sunday10:30 AM-Midnight

For Budget, Forecast & Rolling Budget, please click here:

Supported Operating Systems
Windows 1 Professional
Windows 7SP1 Professional
Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Windows 10

Web Browsers

BrowserSupported VersionsSpecial Notes
Chrome55NPAPI support dropped
Internet Explorer10, 11Windows only
Edge38Java applets not supported
Safari9.1.2Mac OS X only, For iPortal only

Additional Software

SoftwareSupported Versions
Adobe Reader8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0

Content Export:

SoftwareSupported Versions
Microsoft Excel2003, 2007, 2010
Microsoft Word2003, 2010
Microsoft PowerPoint2003, 2007, 2010

Important Notes


  • Microsoft® Service Packs are supported.
  • eReports requires enabling pop-ups and adding it to trusted sites for proper functionality.

Content Export:

  • Known issues with opening Office 2003 or older files in Office 2010.
  • Actuate e.Reports supports export to older Microsoft Office formats (xls, doc, ppt).

Workaround for Office 2010 Issues:

  • Export to newer Office 2010 formats (e.g., xlsx, pptx, docx) or adjust Office 2010 settings to open older formats.

Excel Support:

  • BIRT Spreadsheet technology supports Excel 2002, 2003, 2007, and 2010.