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News, events and other updates

#ESDfor2030 💚 - the beginning of a new decade

Many of you are already aware of the upcoming ESD for 2030 Framework that will guide our work in promoting the role of Education for…

Culture at the heart of the SDGs. A theatre in Toronto with a Whole-SDG Approach

When you hear about goals laid out by something as big and prestigious as the United Nations, it's easy to feel like they are something…

York U launches new Academic Plan for 2020-2025

York University has approved the 2020-2025 University Academic Plan (UAP)! The UAP 2020-2025 is about coming together to create positive change for students, our campuses,…

WebGIS UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme

Prof. Carmine Gambardella, UNESCO Chairholder on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance, President and CEO of the Benecon University Consortium, including five Italian Universities, (…

YORK U places 33rd in Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2020

Congratulations to York University ...for their fantastic THE Impact Ranking 2020 position. No. 33 in the world for overall SDG Impact No. 5 in the…

UNESCO Chair to lead IAU-HESD global Cluster on SDG 4

The International Association of Universities (IAU) has launched a Global Cluster on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) to advocate for the key…