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Life in Toronto’s ‘Third City’: new article by Simon Black published in Toronto Star

An article by the CITY Institute’s resident PhD student, Simon Black, appeared in today’s Toronto Star: For years, Toronto avoided the street violence that plagued U.S. cities. Yet since the late 1980s we’ve embarked on a path that would make manifest in our urban fabric the social problems of inner-city America. We cut the social […]

May 4th: CITY jointly presents “Cultural Diversity and the Global City of Toronto: Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For” a talk by Melanie Pooch

Melanie Pooch (PhD Student, Graduate Program “Formations of the Global”, University of Mannheim, Germany) will be presenting “Cultural Diversity and the Global City of Toronto: Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For” an event co-hosted by The Canadian Centre for German & European Studies (CCGES) and The City Institute. 12:30pm to 1:30pm, 280A York Lanes. […]

Simon Black in the Toronto Star

April 28th – Simon Black (Political Science, Resident PhD Student) had an opinion piece in the Toronto Star about the role urban youth play in the upcoming federal election.

“In-between Infrastructure” Available

May 9th – A new publication “In-Between Infrastructure: Urban Connectivity in an Age of Vulnerability” from a City Institute research project is now available online. This book is edited by Douglas Young, Patricia Burke Wood and Roger Keil, presents a focus on infrastructures in the in-between city and features original chapters by some of Canada’s […]

April 28th CITYTALKS: Claire Major presents “Tap her cool, but give ‘er” and other contradictions of working on site in Fort McMurray, Alberta”

Claire Major (PhD candidate, Department of Geography, York University) will be presenting “Tap her cool, but give ‘er” and other contradictions of working on site in Fort McMurray, Alberta” as part of CITYTALKS. 12:30pm-1:30pm, 280A York Lanes. Poster     Please note that no audio recording of Claire’s talk will be available.