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Roger Keil on Ebola in Maclean’s Magazine

From yFile: Roger Keil, a York University political science professor who co-authored an in-depth study of how SARS affected Toronto as a city, says he sees some parallels with the new threat, most specifically, how it, too, has emerged from a region of the world that North Americans don’t spend much time thinking about…. He […]

Event: Massive Convergence with Jennifer Keesmaat

CITY invites you to attend a talk by Jennifer Keesmaat Friday, 24 October 2014 Vari Lecture Hall C 3:00 p.m. The York Geography Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series, in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division and the City Institute, present “Massive Convergence,” a talk by City of Toronto Chief Planner Jennifer Keesmaat. […]

Event Series: Celebrating Feminist Interdisciplinary Urban Research

YORK UNIVERSITY SHOWCASES LEADING-EDGE FEMINIST URBAN RESEARCH IN A SERIES OF EVENTS IN EARLY NOVEMBER 2014 Watch for detailed descriptions of these events in forthcoming announcements and on posters around campus. SERIES A: NOVEMBER 3 1. POLS 4404/5504 UNDERGRADUATE-GRADUATE STUDENT ONLY EVENT WITH DR. FARANAK MIRAFTAB. Dr. Faranak Miraftab (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) will make a special visit to […]

Graduate Student Session with Professor Nazgol Bagheri (Nov 5)

The City Institute would like to invite interested graduate students to attend a session with Nazgol Bagheri (University of Texas at San Antonio) Wednesday November 5, 2014 2:00 to 4:00 pm Room 749, Kaneff Tower Crossing disciplinary boundaries, including feminist and transnational studies, Professor Bagheri’s work focuses on Iranian women’s presence and preferences in Tehran public spaces […]

Message from CITY Director Linda Peake

Dear City Institute members, Another academic year is upon us and I have been tardy in sending out a message. At the same time I wanted to wait until the Executive had voted on the new governance document for The City Institute as it sets us upon a somewhat new path in terms of organizing […]

CITY Open House (Oct 23)

  We would like to invite you to an open house at the City Institute at York University (CITY).   Thursday October 23, 2014 5:00 to 6:00pm pm 7th Floor Lounge, Kaneff Tower York University As a research centre, the City Institute at York University brings together the university’s urban scholars, both faculty and graduate students from […]

New book explores urban forests and green space

CITY member L. Anders Sandberg has released a new book co-edited with PhD students from York’s Faculty of Environmental Studies as well as from the University of Toronto. The new book titled Urban Forests, Trees, and Greenspace: A Political Ecology Perspective explores urban forests, trees, and green space with a political ecology lens. From the editor: Urban forests, […]