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Student Move T.O Transportation Survey

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The Student Move Transportation Survey Symposium took place on Monday September 21, 2015 from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. The survey will be rolling out within the next upcoming months. For more on the Symposium on Student Transportation Please check out the Student Move T.O Official website.




Please join us for a


Monday, September 21, 2015

4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Registration at 3:30 p.m.

Council Chamber, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West


Getting here is standing in the way of being here. Together we can fix this.

Join us on September 21st for an interactive symposium on the challenging transportation issues facing students in the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area (GTHA). The presidents of Toronto’s universities, along with policy leaders and students, will discuss the difficult and sometimes bewildering obstacles students confront when travelling in the GTHA.

Going to school? Sounds easy but it definitely is not in Toronto. For the city’s postsecondary students, the challenge of doing well in the classroom starts with getting there. University students are among the largest group of users of the region’s already strained system of transportation. They are transit dependent but often not served well by the trains and buses that connect the downtown to choice destinations in the larger region. They are a prime group for active modes of transportation but their homes are often too far from their institution of higher learning to walk and cycle. StudentMoveTO is a joint initiative by the presidents of OCADU, Ryerson, University of Toronto and York to understand better how their students get to and from campus, and how that mobility relates to other needs in their lives.

What issues do students face in getting around the region? What ideas and aspirations do they have for improving mobility in the future? What are the views of leading transportation experts and university presidents? Because student-specific data are scarce, student transportation needs are not always considered in transportation policy decisions. To help correct this, we will also be launching a new student travel behaviour survey, one of the largest such surveys ever conducted. We anticipate an eventful evening and we hope you can join us.

Reception to follow.


Please advise of any accessibility requirements.

About us: StudentMoveTO aims to promote and improve mobility for students within the GTHA through research, teaching and knowledge mobilization. StudentMoveTO serves as a central hub to mobilize students to engage with transportation issues across all participating universities.

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