One-on-one Support and Advice
Whether you have general questions or faculty-specific questions, we're here for you!

Learning Opportunities
We offer courses and webinars for instructors and TAs.
Central Support Units
Teaching Commons
We provide expert guidance about how to make your remote or online pedagogy effective and satisfying for you and your students.
- Drop In Hours:
Monday - Friday 10am-11am: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/7467955013 - Please note that the Virtual Drop In Zoom Helpdesk will be unavailable on Thursday November 30, 10am-11am. Please join us on Friday December 1, 10-11am.
- Going Remote
- Learning Technology Services Support
- York University Coronavirus Information
- Virtual Drop In Zoom Link (M-F 10-11)
- Email Us: teaching@yorku.ca
- Visit our Website: www.yorku.ca/teachingcommons
- Practical Guide for Managing Stress and Working from Home Checklist (created by Marija Bojic, TC Peer Mentor)
Learning Technology Services (LTS)
We provide expert advice on learning technologies used across the university, including eClass, Zoom, Turnitin, Adobe Connect, and iClicker.
- Drop In Hours, daily see link for times: https://lthelp.yorku.ca/learn-more/virtual-drop-in-hours
- Email Us: lts@yorku.ca
- Visit Our Website: https://lthelp.yorku.ca/
- Learn more about Hyflex Classrooms: https://www.yorku.ca/uit/hyflex-classrooms/
Your Faculty Support
Liaison Educational Developer (Teaching Commons)
Your liaison Educational Developer can assist you with the the design, delivery, and assessment of online/remote teaching activities and advise you on workshops and courses designed to assist you in your transition to remote and online teaching.
Point of Contact for Faculty-specific Support
This point of contact can answer questions about remote or online teaching specific to your Faculty and connect your with technical and course design support available at the Faculty-level.
Technical Support
Your technical support contact can assist you in navigating York-supported teaching technologies, including eClass (or Canvas), Zoom, Turnitin, Adobe Connect, and iClicker.
Experiential Education (EE) Coordinator
Your Faculty EE Coordinator can assist you in navigating, developing, and facilitating various forms of EE activities.
Courses for Instructors
Instructional Skills for Remote Delivery
In this course, instructors learn about an evidence-based lesson planning framework to help plan their course in a remote environment and try it out in brief lessons presented to a group of peers in Zoom.
Certificate in Teaching for eLearning
This certificate includes five courses focused on the practical pedagogy of eLearning in which core principles and best practices for online learning are discussed and practiced in eClass.
- Learn more about this new certificate
Courses (5-6 hours each over 3-4 weeks; can be taken as a standalone):
- Taking it Online: Making the Transition from the Face-to-Face Classroom
- The Art of Online Conversation: Designing, Facilitating, and Teaching with Online Discussion Forums
- Creative Course Content: Instructional Strategies for Online Learning
- Assessing Learning Online: Grading, Evaluation, and Feedback
BOLD Institute
The BOLD Institute takes participants through an eLearning course design process informed by instructional design principles. Each module focuses on a different eLearning topic or design component, followed by collaborative working sessions, and culminating in the conceptual design and hands-on development of an eLearning module/lesson optimized for eClass.
- For more information, and to register for the BOLD Institute, visit the Teaching Commons website
Webinars for Instructors
Webinar Series Showcasing eLearning Instructors
Co-hosted by the Teaching Commons and York instructors with previous experience with online teaching, each webinar focuses on different aspects and features of online teaching.
- Recordings and additional resources from the webinars can be found as resources throughout the Going Remote site
- An archive of past webinar recordings is also available on our Teaching Commons eLearning page
eClass Support
- Take a look at our range of offerings at LTS webinars
Courses for TAs
For TAs that teach online, or are interested in eLearning, you can take part in courses for the Certificate of Proficiency for Teaching in eLearning.
List of courses particularly relevant for TAs:
- Engagement Strategies for Teaching Remotely
- The Art of Online Conversation
- Assessing Learning Online: Grading, Evaluation, and Feedback
- Caring to Teach: Supporting Student Transitions between Teaching and Learning Environments
- Beyond eClass: Interactive Pedagogies Using Zoom, H5P, and More
Check the Teaching Commons events calendar to find out when the next courses are scheduled.
Webinars for TAs
- Recordings and additional resources from the webinars can be found on the Teaching Commons website
Web-based Resources for TAs
- Teaching Remotely: A Guide for TAs, designed to assist TAs with remote teaching.
- Online Teaching for Teaching Assistants, YouTube playlist of videos
- Other Resources for TAs Teaching Remotely
- Going Remote: Support Your Teaching Team section
© Blended and Online Learning (BOLD), Teaching Commons & Learning Technology Services, York University. Unless otherwise stated, all content on the Going Remote - York University site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 4.0 International license. If you reuse this work, please attribute BOLD, York University and include a link to https://yorku.ca/bold/
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